bounced email

  1. Alpha1

    Implemented OAuth & API for mail Authentication (Google stops supporting password credentials)

    Please add OAuth as a authentication method for email sending and bounce mail receiving. Please add API as a method of email sending & receiving. Google is phasing out password based authentication. Its likely that others will follow. Highlights from a message from Google: Starting February...
  2. Alpha1

    Statistics for Email Sent, Bounces & Complaints

    Its important to see if your bounce rate is getting high. Because a high bounce rate means your email can get blocked by email providers or even your own email provider if you have one. Providers like Amazon will ban you if your bounce rate gets too high. Email services like yahoo will greylist...
  3. Alpha1

    Add-on Amazon SNS bounce processing

    When you use Amazon SES for email sending, you can setup Simple Notification Service (SNS) to receive notifications for bounces, delivery, complaints. SNS also makes grey-listing visible which is important. These email bounce messages can be fetched by XenForo by IMAP. Here is such bounce...
  4. Laetos

    XF 1.5 [Solved]SES SNS and gmail bounced mail

    "Default Email Address" via AWS SES up and running, test mails or registrations are working "Contact Email Address" is working "Email Transport Method" which is AWS SES worked then few hours later made connection problems till i changed the port to 587 "Bounced Email Address" ate up the mails in...
  5. Dryline

    Lack of interest Add Email invalid (bounced) to Common Searches

    I searched really well and couldn't find this suggestion. If it's there I'll accept my public flogging! I would like to have the ability to easily search members in the "Email invalid (bounced)" status by having it added to the Common Searches list in ACP. For reference purposes it's found by...
  6. DeltaHF

    Bounced Email Users Should Be Able to Re-Activate Their Account

    If a user's account is placed into the "Email invalid (bounced)" state, the only way they can restore their account is by changing their email address. This is not explained in the error message displayed, nor do I believe it is optimal behavior. For example, if their account was deactivated...
  7. Filippo

    XF 1.5 New members with hard bounced email

    Hello, I tried searching for a while, sorry if this is already stated somewhere. When a new member registers with an invalid email, I can correctly see the the hard bounce in the logs. However, the state of his account is not changed to "Email invalid (bounced)", instead it stays on "Awaiting...
  8. ActorMike

    XF 1.5 Bounced Emails going to Default Email Address

    Our bounced emails always are returned to the board's Default Email Address when we sent out emails to our users. even though I setup a separate email address from our default email address called noreply@ to handle bounces. The bounce log is always empty. Transport method is default and Set...
  9. RobinHood

    Lack of interest Notify the admin in the ACP home screen of users in non-valid user states

    Following on from this thread. I launched a new site a couple of weeks ago and have only just realised that Microsoft have been sending bounce replies to my user registration emails (thanks to the built in bounce system) It would have been great if I had been notified or made aware of this a...
  10. Mouth

    No email bounce log action from Amazon SES spam complaints

    When a user marks email received from your site as 'spam' in their mail application, the majority of mail applications will then send a spam/abuse notification back to the sending server complaints process. For Amazon SES, they then send/forward an email to you of the spam/abuse complaint...
  11. jauburn

    XF 1.5 Bounce email handling question

    I'm not sure what to put in "host," "port," "user name and password" fields of this section, nor am I sure whether to choose pop3 or imap or any of the encryption options. Can someone help or is there step-by-step instructions somewhere? Should the user name be entered with a plus sign, as in...
  12. Freelancer

    XF 1.5 Correct eMail and bounced eMail setup

    I tried to setup eMails to be handled with my eMail provider (which is also the hosting service of the website where XF resides on). Did fill in all data as it should be correct (with password authentication SSL and correct Port numbers) – however it produces server errors which show "can not...
  13. Sim

    XF 1.4 Bounced email processing - sign-in attempt prevented

    Just a heads up in case someone else comes across this issue. I have several forums which use separate Google Apps accounts for email. A couple of months back I set up the Automated Bounced Email Handler on two of my forums. One worked fine - but the other one kept getting server errors...
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