XenCentral Invite System

XenCentral Invite System 1.6.0

No permission to buy ($19.99)
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
Additional requirements
XenCentral Framework 1.3.x (available in Client's Area)
Updates duration
1 year included in initial purchase. Extension fee 15.00 EUR/year.
Visible branding
Yes, but removable with payment
XC Invite System is a fully-featured invite/referral add-on allowing to enable invitations on your XenForo community. It allows users to invite their friends by emails, customizing invitation message, to have invitation URL directly to send via IM, send batch invites to their Facebook friends (see the note below about the limitations of Facebook inviter) and GMail contacts, delete old invitations and see who registered with their invitation. Users invited and registered are displayed in user's profile, and number of invited users is displayed in profile stats block. It is possible to make the site invite-only, to restrict email addresses that can be used, and to allow self-invitations. Product is designed and is being developed as complete invitation solution for your XenForo community. It is the only product currently available on market implementing batch invitations sent to Facebook friends by just marking all friends and hitting send (please see the note below).

With the changes in Facebook API applying to all applications created after April 30th 2014 it is no longer possible to get the list of friends from Facebook. The product will continue operating with applications created before that date, but this may stop working as well. Please check the Documentation f0r further information.

LinkedIn support is removed in version 1.5.0 due to changes in LinkedIn API making it impossible to get LinkedIn connections.

Tapatalk integration is only partially supported for now. If an invitation is required for registration the users will just an error to register via web interface when trying to register via app.

Note: Product is a part of XC Invitation & Paid Registration System. So if you bought Invitation & Paid Registration System you can be rest assured that all invitation features are included in it and no need to buy XC Invite System.

Note 2: If you have an active order of XC Invite System and you want to upgrade your license to XC Invitation & Paid Registration System license you can do it easily by only paying the difference of prices. To do this upgrade go to product page in your account and under Management Tools click Upgrade.

If you have questions, suggestions and feedback please do not hesitate to Contact us or join us on our Support Forums. Thank you and enjoy!



Product is brought to you by XenCentral
Powered by DNF Technology

Features Overview
  • Product On/Off switcher
  • Free self-invite mode for simple anti-spam protection and email domain validation (email confirmation before registration).
  • Force registration with valid invitation only.
  • Force registration with invitation email only.
  • Option to add invitations button to main navigation. It is also added in user profile popup by default.
  • Option to set number of hours after which unused invitations will be automatically deleted. Disabling this will still allow users to delete their unused invitations.
  • Option to add invitation tab in user profile.
  • Option to show number of users invited in profile stats and much more.
  • Invitation using Email/Facebook/Gmail/Invitation link
Please note, that after installation usergroups need to be checked and proper permissions setup. The "Can Use" permission should be enabled for everyone, including guests to allow any usage of the product by that usergroup. If not enabled guests will get no permission error while trying to register using an invitation. So typical scenario for having invite-only forum is

1. Enable registrations on forums from main XenForo settings, otherwise no registrations are possible.

2. Activate Invite-Only Registration from addon's settings

3. Set permissions of Unregistered user group to "Can Use System" - Allow. If this is not set the guests will get No Permission error while using the invite link.

4. Set permissions for the usergroups you want to allow to invite others the same way. You may consider to set flood checking as well (e.g. 10 invites in 1 hour).

5. For all other user groups who should not be able to invite others the Can Use System permission should be set to No.









Demo - http://demo.xencentral.com

Support Forums - http://forum.xencentral.com/

Support Desk - http://desk.xencentral.com/

For any question, suggestion, feedback email us at sales [at] xencentral.com
  • By Email.webp
    By Email.webp
    16.2 KB · Views: 3,410
  • Link.webp
    21.1 KB · Views: 3,413
First release
Last update


3.20 star(s) 5 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. XenCentral Invite System 1.6.0 Released

    Hello everyone! This is the next release of XenCentral Invite System. Release overview: 1...
  2. XenCentral Invite System 1.5.2 released

    Hello everyone, this is the next minor release of XenCentral Invite System. It fixes the issue...
  3. XenCentral Invite System 1.5.1 released

    Hello everyone, this is the next release of XenCentral Invite System, that implements partial...

Latest reviews

So I paid to get the latest version, however, I wasn't able to get the XenCentral Framework which is essential to run it. I left a ticket in the members area, but paying for something and then having to wait, it's not the 90's!

Ok, so it's not that big a deal, however, I hope by putting a review here I will make sure others don't suffer this fate.

Specifically, I bought the €15 support package so I could get the latest version and talk to someone about getting XenCentral Framework which seems a bit of a cheat that I WOULD NEED the support to download it, but have to pay for it.
Thank you for the feedback. The requirement of Framework is mentioned on the resource page - http://prntscr.com/9isres Also, you didn't pay specifically for the support, you paid to get the latest version. Everyone gets support and all issues are fixed no matter who reports them. If this was the only reason for your negative feedback, we hope you will reconsider it, for other users not to misunderstand the situation. Thank you!
Left a somewhat negative review earlier due to slow support and a few bugs. Glad to say that support picked up and bugs have been squashed. Addon works well on XF 1.5+.
Thank you for your help with reproducing some bugs and fixing them. Let us know if you have any other issues or further suggestions. We will review Twitter integration and let you know. Thank you!
Got this today. It's buggy. Issues with Linkedin, Google Plus, profiles showing invites. For something that was updated in Sept 2015 I would've expected it to mostly work out of the box.
Full of bugs and grammatical errors, slow support, and expensive for what it is. This add-on is in alpha stage at best yet it is being sold as if it were a completely polished final product. A lot of work needs to be done on it and the support needs to improve. The developers need to take their product a lot more seriously, particularly when people are paying almost 15% of the XenForo price for just this one add-on. If the product and support improve, then I will reconsider my rating.
Hello! Can you please let us know your ticket ID? We don't see any open support requests.
We are not native English speakers, and hope that fixing grammatical errors is not a big problem as the product uses XenForo phrases as it should.
I bought this addon so i could use the facebook invite feature, however that's the only feature that doesn't work. The developers have no idea what the issue is, and the error logs do not appear to be logging anything. I have uninstalled the addon as it is pretty much useless to me now.
There were no cases when our customers had issues with invitation not working and we couldn't find the reason. Please contract us and provide your Ticket ID and we will review it again. The invitations definitely work as they are advertised if you have everything properly configured. The only known issue is Facebook invites not being sent on some servers which block XMPP requests, and one can do nothing with it but to configure server firewall to allow XMPP protocol usage.
Thank you!
Now has all the features that I need! *SUPREME* support - if there is an issue or request, they get on it instantly, and fix it within a day! Definitely the most pleasant developer on here to deal with!
The add-on needs a bit of polish, but I am convinced that all the lacking features will be implemented soon. The support is fast, friendly and excellent!
Good add-on, but quite expensive for adding so few features in my opinion. I find it very strange that a system like this is not available in XF by default... But anyway, as for features I would really like to see a code generation option that would allow the possibility of inviting users without knowing their email (just send them a generated code). I would also like to see integration with custom user fields, as in asking for referrer upon registration and integrating this into the system. Ultimately it would be nice if it could replace this SMF plugin: http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=2567
Hello, Valvar,
Thank you for the suggestions. Both are already added to our list of enhancements and will be implemented quite soon.
Thank you!
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