[WMTech] YouTube Integration Essentials

[WMTech] YouTube Integration Essentials 1.1.3

No permission to buy ($19.00)
> Version 1.1.3 <
XF 1.5 Compatibility, Code Optimization, New Features & Bugfix Release

This upgrade s recommended for all customers.


NEW: Added the new YouTube embed style (option to continue to use the old style available)

NEW: Links to YouTube and EasyTube now open in a new window

BUGFIX: Enhanced Playlist Support

BUGFIX: Removed occasional grey background embeds (sometimes occurring immediately after posting)

BUGFIX: Rare fatal error if FrontController is not registered (thx to @Pezreo)

BUGFIX: Restore of default YouTube BB media code failed occasionally at uninstall

Upgrade Instructions:
[wmtech] Youtube Integration Essentials - Manual, Instructions & Installation / Upgrade Guide

We strongly recommend to use the "File Health Check" tool from your ACP after updating to check for any errors!

What's New?
  • XenForo 1.5 Compatibility
  • Added New YouTube Embed Style
  • Links To YouTube Open In A New Window
  • Enhanced Playlist Support
  • No Grey Backgrounds After Posting
  • Fixed Restoring Of Default YouTube Code After Uninstall
> Version 1.1.2 <
Enhancement and minor bugfix update.
This upgrade is recommended for all customers.


New: Enhanced and optimized the detection of videos which are deleted at YouTube at the time the caching is requested and added support for French, Spanish and German languages for the error messages.

Bugfix: "strtolower" error fixed (thx to @FredC)

Upgrade Instructions:

Please upload all files from the "upload" directory in our package to the root of your XenForo installation overwriting all existing files. Also run the update XML from your ACP. We recommend to use the "File Health Check" tool from your ACP after updating to check for any errors.
See instructions at
[wmtech] Youtube Integration Essentials - Manual, Instructions & Installation / Upgrade Guide

What's New:
  • Enhanced and optimized detection of deleted videos
  • Support for French, Spanish and German error messages
  • Minor Bugfix
> Version 1.1.1 <
Minor bugfix update


Bugfix: Removed sporadic "Insecure Content" error message at SSL (https) sites.
Bugfix: Corrected sporadic "Illegal string offset" error message when posting videos

Upgrade Instructions:

Please upload all files from the "upload" directory in our package to the root of your XenForo installation overwriting all existing files. Also run the update XML from your ACP. We recommend to use the "File Health Check" tool from your ACP after updating to check for any errors.
See instructions at
[wmtech] Youtube Integration Essentials - Manual, Instructions & Installation / Upgrade Guide

What's New?
  • Fixes 2 sporadically seen bugs
  • Like
Reactions: TMC
> Version 1.1.0 <

*** Very important update ***
You need to update to continue usage of this add-on!


Fix: Several code optimizations and performance improvements
Fix: Enhanced YouTube URL detection
Fix: Enhanced YouTube Playlist Support
Fix: Enhanced YouTube error handling for deleted videos
New: Changed to YouTube API 3 (no more anonymous access, needs API key!)
New: Added File Health Check
New: Added API key handling
New: Added support for YouTube no-cookie url

Upgrade Instructions:

Please upload all files from the "upload" directory in our package to the root of your XenForo installation overwriting all existing files. Also run the update XML from your ACP. We recommend to use the "File Health Check" tool from your ACP after updating to check for any errors.
See instructions at
[wmtech] Youtube Integration Essentials - Manual, Instructions & Installation / Upgrade Guide

What's New?
  • Several code optimizations and performance improvements
  • Enhanced YouTube URL detection
  • Enhanced YouTube Playlist Support
  • Enhanced YouTube error handling for deleted videos
  • Changed to YouTube API 3 (no more anonymous access, needs API key!)
  • Added File Health Check
  • Added API key handling
  • Added support for YouTube no-cookie url
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