[Tinhte] XenTag

Unmaintained [Tinhte] XenTag 3.2.5

No permission to download
  • New option to filter trending tags: days since creation
  • New option "Suggest Threads" to show related tagged threads on thread view permission denied
  • Tag Description (show on another tab on tag page)
  • AdminCP tag list improvements: views column, tag description with bb code
  • Widget renderer improvements
  • Bug fixes
(Note: You need Xentag 3.x and Xenforo 1.5.x to upgrade)
  • Tag Page RSS
  • Tag Page view count (display on front-end)
  • Added option to log moderation for thread tag edit
  • Added option for default description
  • Added option for in-word suggestion
  • Added option for tag preview (on mouse hover)
  • Added option to display tags below first post
  • Added feature: edit tag url in front-end
  • Added feature: filter by tag in thread batch update (AdminCP)
  • Added feature: remove existing tags, add new tags, replace tags in
  • Tag processing tools for Thread batch update (AdminCP)

(Note: You need Xentag 3.x and Xenforo 1.5.x to upgrade)
Important: Xentag 3.x Require Xenforo 1.5

New features
  • XenForo 1.5.0 compatibility
  • Include almost Previous Xentag Features (hashtag, auto linking in post/resource, forum/page tag, staff-tag, tag tittle, tag description, , front-end tag editor, watch tag, cloud tag widget, trending widget, thread tag trending widget, related tags, threads by a tag, )
  • Redirection from old Xentag url ("+" as space) to new url ("-" as space)
  • External URL for a tag
  • Bug fixs and performance improvements.
  • Xenforo Migration tool (AdminCP > Tools > Rebuild Caches >Upgrade Tags for XenForo 1.5+).

  1. Disable Xentag
  2. Upgrade Xenforo 1.5
  3. Upgrade Xentag 2.x to 3.x
  4. Enable Xentag, Go to AdminCP > Tools > Rebuild Caches >Upgrade Tags for XenForo 1.5+.
- Security patch: prevent XSS vulnerability via specific tag title
- vBulletin Importer compatibility update

We recommend all Xentag installations use this update to improve their security.
Thanks to antichat and yarbabin for reporting this issue.
A very small update to handle both "/tags/name/" and "/tags/name" routes for better SEO.

Caching issue on some installations is still in investigating. Trying to fix it in next update.
Xentag 2.1.3
  • NEW: Added tag view tracking (new trending option).
  • NEW: Number of views, watchted and contents will be displayed on tag pages' description.
  • Improved indexer for compatibility.
  • Fixed a bug with Backspace
  • Fix bug forum/page in search/user profile
Please rate this addon if you like it!
  1. New Xentag option: Minimum tag length
  2. New Xentag option: Use hastag (disabled by default)
  3. New Feature: New Delete check box on Edit tag dialog to delete tag from front-end
  4. Added validation for censored text

Hashtag will be disabled by default when you upgrade to this version Xentag 2.1. Please go to Xentag option to turn it on if you want to use hashtag.

Screen Shot 2014-04-28 at 10.52.51 AM.webp

  • #Hashtag for your posts.
  • Report a tag
  • Watch a tag (with user group permission, (supports threads, posts and resources)
  • Trending tags (in /tags/ page),
  • New Trending Tags widget for [bd] Widget Framework
  • Possible to edit tag page's title via Edit tag dialog
  • Improved compatibility with different versions of XenForo and XenForo Resource Manager
  • Improved styling
  • Bug fixes
  • Add Staff tags (allow only specific usergroups tag these tags, edit in admincp)
  • In-pharse search for tag suggestions.
  • Tag link redirection (edit in admincp)
  • Numbers of tags per thead per usergroup (moved from per forum).
  • Xenforo 1.2 & New Widget Framework compatibility.
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