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Thread Watchers 1.2

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Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
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This add-on displays the number of users watching each thread and allows you to drill down to view which users are watching.

The following is shown only if the thread is watched by at least one person:

There is an option in the Admin CP to make the Watch count slightly more subtle:


When that option is enabled, the result is this:

You can click on the user count, to display an overlay with the users who are watching the thread:

This add-on can be installed using the Add-On Installer.

  • Extract the contents of the Zip file.
  • Upload the contents of the upload folder to the root of your XenForo installation.
  • Install in the Admin CP using the provided XML file.
Chris D
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 12 ratings

More resources from Chris D

Latest updates

  1. Tweaks and fixes

    Watchers icon now floated to the right (consistent with other thread alerts). Watchers list now...
  2. Text only mode and minor graphical improvements

    First, thank you to Shelley :) To enhance the watchers banner we now have a small icon...

Latest reviews

I missed this feature when we left vB and was so happy to learn of this add-on. It is so nice to be able to realize 'who' will be notified of an update to a particular thread, plus it affords me the capability to give some users a heads-up about a thread if I think they may be interested in following it.
Simple, perfect!
Nice add-on
Nice plugin!
Thank you! Simple and useful!
I liked this Add-on. Quite Useful in tracking the popularity of threads. Thanks.
Very nice addon, works great.
Excellent add-on, and has been well received by users on my forum.
Excellent Add on! Excellent Developer!
Very good update with nice improvements, Thank you very much Chris.
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