sonnb - Profanity Filter

Unmaintained sonnb - Profanity Filter 1.2.0

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Reviews 4.67 star(s) 3 reviews

I like this, but my problem is what if you have other things in the censorship. Things that you want censored without the user's choice. If I use this addon, users would have the choice to uncensor those as well. Would it not be better to create a separate censorship for this add-on ? Just so it's easy for admins to let users control the censor ship of profanity only.
Thanks for your review. I have thought that we should use different setting for this but I made this as a start. Some need it and do not want to fill over again, but I would add an option for this in the next version. You are able to choose: XF's censoring or Add-on's settings.
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