sonnb - Profanity Filter

sonnb - Profanity Filter 1.2.0

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Well-known member
sonnb submitted a new resource:

sonnb - Profanity Filter (version 1.0.0) - Enable Profanity Contents Filter on your board

You might have profanity contents on your site but not all the users want to see them. This addon let your users specific wherever they want to see profanity contents.

Once enabled profanity contents, they might be:
- See uncensored words (configured via Censoring ACP Options)
- See profanity threads with specified prefixes (configured via addon Options).

More Information:
The main features were requested by:...

Read more about this resource...
To anyone who needs this addon please consider donating to the resource author because i was not able to donate as much as i wanted. He worked hard on this and over-delivered. Was not expecting the thread prefix filter feature when i asked for this addon to be made. Bravo!
sonnb updated sonnb - Profanity Filter with a new update entry:

Added option to specify your own words that might different from XF's Censoring option

Changes Logs:
- Added Option "Censoring Words Using" wherever you can choose
  • XenForo's Censoring Options
  • Using Addon's Predefined Words
- This option is to be adapted your own requirement that want to using different words definition.
- Added Thread Exception: Once threads with specified prefixes were hidden from user's view, they also could not access the thread. Message is customize-able via phrase.

Read the rest of this update entry...
I found out why it's not working for me. It's clashing with ParseHTML.

Can you please fix this? I actually turned off all modifications and tested them with Profanity Filter one by one and narrowed it down to this addon.

I am not sure how he codes for his addon then it is quite hard to fix. This might be occurred if he completely override some methods. Is there any error in server logs?
This looks like an interesting option. A quick question though, this gives a registered member a choice over whether the profanity is displayed or not. Do the profanities remain obscured for guests?
This looks like an interesting option. A quick question though, this gives a registered member a choice over whether the profanity is displayed or not. Do the profanities remain obscured for guests?
Profanity contents would invisible to guest.

I am not sure how he codes for his addon then it is quite hard to fix. This might be occurred if he completely override some methods. Is there any error in server logs?

Was an issue on my end, sorry about that
Thanks for the update but now my profanity filter looks weird.

Below is what it looks like either profanity filter OR parsehtml turned on while the other one is off or both of them are on at the same time.


This is what it looks like when both addons are turned off.

Thanks for the update but now my profanity filter looks weird.

Below is what it looks like either profanity filter OR parsehtml turned on while the other one is off or both of them are on at the same time.

View attachment 32341

This is what it looks like when both addons are turned off.

View attachment 32340
So even my addon was on and ParseHtml is off? What is the filter string and your option configuration?
So even my addon was on and ParseHtml is off? What is the filter string and your option configuration?
Okay nevermind I narrowed it down to this addon and not the ParseHTML addon.

Censoring Words Using Xenforo Options is Selected

Random Asterisks Do Not Show When:

Both Addons Are Turned On or when only ParseHTML addon is on.
Word Replacement Mode: Exact Word


Both Addons Are Turned On or only Profanity Filter Addon
Word Replacement Mode: Match word in the string
Profanity Filter Enabled or Disabled (but xenforo censored profanity still shows when Profanity Filter is not checked in Preferences)


Both Addons Are Turned On or only Profanity Filter Addon
Word Replacement Mode: Exact Word
Profanity Filter Enabled

Random Asteriks Show When:

Both Addons Are Turned On or only Profanity Filter Addon
Word Replacement Mode: Exact Word
Profanity Filter Disabled
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