Shades of Blue

Shades of Blue 2.2.11

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Reviews 5.00 star(s) 8 reviews

Extremely nice and clean looking forum. Very easy on the eyes. This is one of the best "dark" themes out there IMHO. Thank you for this Gator!
Thanks @Finnigan for taking the time to review my style. So glad you like it. Enjoy the holidays. :)
Love it! I was looking for black background, but blue is great too. I hope it can be customized to a different blue. Thanks!
Thank you for the review. I also have "Shades of Grey" if you were looking for a normal dark style.
A solid dark-mode theme which looks pretty neat. I haven't found a thing to complain so for.
Many people of my choir love this theme already and it's just up for a few days.
I'm thinking of making it the default theme as well.
Thank you, celebrir. It's really nice to see some are appreciative of my time and effort. Take care! :)
I've been using this as my default style for Blue Moon Roleplaying with some tweaks. Nearly everyone loves it. : )
So glad you liked it. Thank you for taking the time to review it. :)
Thank you for this, great job, looks wonderful. One bug I think is when inserting code and previewing the message it's cut off. Try a test with:

[CODE="|Test Code"]Dim Foo As String
Public Sub Foo()
End Sub[/CODE]
@NealC Thank you for the review. I just tried your test and it works fine for me, so I don't know what the issue could be. I only changed colors, borders, and backgrounds, etc. There are no template edits used in this style. Thanks again, and good luck. :)
I love it! And I haven't even edited it yet. Has an awesome colour scheme which is good on the eyes! Please make more
Thanks for the kind words. I hope to make it better when time permits. :)
Very nice visually! Thank you for making this available!
Took me a while to figure out the changes which I needed to make for logo and background
Our forum needed a dark (and free) theme. This feels very light-weight and looks cool. Thanks! Now, to decide if it should be default or not.. ?
Always good to be free. :) Thanks for the review.
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