Setting up Facebook, Twitter & Google Integration

Setting up Facebook, Twitter & Google Integration

Reviews 4.91 star(s) 34 reviews

Quite informative. Great! You have simplified the whole thing. It was getting complicated for me! Now am good.
thank you I read your post from the day I use xenforo and i am grateful for that. You really saved me a lot of time and stress
Straight forward and to the point, I didn't have any issues following these instructions. Thank you to the author for taking the time to create this!!!
Excellent overview. Thank you, I appreciate it very much. Easy to use and understandExcellent overview. Had all three working within minutes...........
rated 5***** - I tried this by myself thinking it would be easy and failed miserably. Completed it using your guide in a couple of minutes. Brilliant. Thanks!
This is a perfect integration guide for Facebook, Twitter and Google. All 3 external integrations done in minutes, without any hassle. Each step is clear and easy to follow. The whole lot is up and running, tested and working with very little effort.
Great work!
Awesome, thanks for this summary. Had all three hooked up and going within 10 minutes.
not working on xenforo v1.3.4 with Google Integration
Chris D
Chris D
It works fine. You ought to revisit the instructions and rewrite your review once you have fixed it.
Excellent guide!
Nice and simple
Thank you for this concise summary! I got it all working very quickly.
Thanks for this help!
Awesome, just set up my social logins using this guide. Thanks so much!
Perfect as i was having permissions issues with Google <---- of course.
Thank you very much! I would be buggered if it wasn't for easy to follow guides like this on XenForo.
Chris D
Chris D
It is also in the XenForo manual, but, thanks :)
Awesome Guide ! Used this for my configuration :)
Does the trick.
This guide was phenomenal! Helped me set up all three sites after messing up on each one on my own. Much thanks to the author!
Thanks ! very usefull
Makes the complicated very simple.
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