LiteSpeed Cache - Community

Unmaintained LiteSpeed Cache - Community

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  • [Bug Fix] Added back missing features caused by git conflict.
  • [Clarification] Clarified some tooltips regarding .htaccess rules.
  • [Bug Fix] Pages displaying "banned IP" messages are no longer cached.
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Reactions: HappyWorld
  • [New] Added Support for LiteSpeed Web ADC.
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Reactions: HappyWorld
  • [Update] Non-get requests and two factor authorization pages will no longer be cached
  • [New] New config for do not cache URI
  • [New] Select to purge on like/dislike
  • [New] Update guest thread view count - a new option to update the backend when a guest visits a thread, even when served from cached.
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Reactions: HappyWorld
  • Fixed a bug where a white screen was shown after installation if the options array was empty.
  • Fixed a bug where Facebook login would sometimes not work.
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Reactions: HappyWorld
  • Fixed a bug reported by Mike Fara & dvsDave where $serverVary was not set to an array when empty, causing a PHP error when attempting to verify setups with no set server varies.
  • Added login cookie management [Requires LSWS 5.0.18+ build 3].
  • Added a Verify Setup button which checks the Login Cookie setting against your server’s Login Cookie to confirm validity of setup.
  • Added a more info link next to the separate mobile view setting.
  • Added a check to verify login cookie option and rewrite rule. This will display a warning message if they might cause conflicts. If the option and the rewrite rule match, the warning will be removed upon page re-load.
  • Added inline post moderation support.
  • Added inline thread moderation support.
  • Moderated posts are now purged from cache only when the post is approved and visible to the public.
  • Fixed a bug reported by Recep where logged out users attempting to post were not being properly handled.
  • Fixed a bug where Facebook, Google, and Twitter log-in were not handled properly.
  • Fixed a bug where login cookie was compared against the server vary instead of the setting.
  • Fixed a bug where double posting resulted in an unhelpful error message.
  • Added a LiteSpeed Cache Management tab to the top of the Admin Control Panel.
  • Added a purge all button.
  • Added a purge home/forum list button.
  • Added a Separate Cache Entry For Mobile option.
  • Added documentation for new functions in code.
  • Added support for [bd] Widget Framework.
  • Cache will now automatically purge relevant pages on "post edit” and "post delete” events.
  • Default Public TTL is now 8 hours.
  • Fixed a bug where login cookies were sometimes not set properly.
  • Added ability to define web application specific cookie names through rewrite rules to handle logged-in cookie conflicts when using multiple web applications. [Requires LSWS 5.0.15+]
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