Gamer Profiles -

Unmaintained Gamer Profiles - 1.0.3

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Reviews 4.78 star(s) 9 reviews

Pretty awesome really, would be worth paying for. Free... can't beat that! If you have a gaming website, get this!
Brilliant plugin I love it, the ability to upload icons yourself example a small Blizzard Icon so you're not dependent of plugin upgrades to add maybe unconventional accounts like lets say Maplestory username would raise this to a Definite stars 5 for me and make this plugin a 100% keeper.

I love you steve... so glad this got finished. Glad you were able to take what i wanted and turn it into something this amazing. It is better than i expected. But the guys at pixel exit come through every time
Very good, shame about the need to use branded gamercards when you can easily make it custom to the site. Would rate 5/5 if you added that. Still a very nice mod.
Steve F
Steve F
Easily? Nothing easy about it. This is a free addon after all and everything used is described in detail in the resource overview
This is a "must have" for gaming website . Ist optimal for players
there use origin ,
Steam etc. thanks for this addon , it is really Amazing and have a good disign
Simply awesome! Excelent work. It just simply works. However it does decrease the page load time when using the animated stuff (which could be turned off in the ACP).
Epic ! Simply works ! A doddle to install , configure and use. Generates great looking icons and a genuine curiosity for your users.

Overlays look great and informative. Should be good to help bring the community together on your site.
Steve (PixelExit) - this is amazing! Thank you so much for providing this to us! Its just so easy and so good! A must for all gamer forums. And for free! Two thumbs up!
Just perfect! I was actually just searching for this addon when I seen it on your forum you linked me. This is the most beautiful way of implementing this I have seen yet!
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