If the "Usergroup Change" item uses additional usergroups, as opposed to changing the Primary Usergroup, this is now undone upon item deactivation
Points are now displayed in the postbit
Purchased items are now displayed in the postbit
Items that come pre-configured now extend their duration when a member buys a new item of the same configuration
You can now create Trophies using "User has purchased at least X items" as a criteria
You can now create Trophies using "User has purchased item X" as a criteria
You can now create Trophies using "User has purchased an item of item type X" as a criteria
You can now define an optional "Configuration Notification Sender" that will be used as the sender when sending PMs about items being configured. We recommend setting this to a "Forum Bot" user that is used for notifications only, in order to ensure PM delivery.
You can now define an optional "Purchase Notification Sender" that will be used as the sender when sending PMs about items being configured. We recommend setting this to a "Forum Bot" user that is used for notifications only, in order to ensure PM delivery.
All AdminCP pages now have breadcrumbs for easier browsing
All Front-End pages now have breadcrumbs for easier browsing
(Developers) All DBTech_Shop_DataManager_X classes can now be extended via the XFCP system
(Developers) All DBTech_Shop_Item_X classes can now be extended via the XFCP system. This allows you to write add-ons that run on every event pertaining to item (pre-purchase, post-purchase, configure, sellback, discard, gift)
(Developers) All DBTech_Shop_Action_X classes can now be extended via the XFCP system.
Changed Features:
The inventory no longer displays the shop list. All items are now shown, but grouped under their respective categories from all shops
The various "Style" item types now only accept A-Z, a-z, 0-9. rgb() values are no longer accepted. This is a security measure to prevent malicious use of these items.
The AdminCP management areas are now tabbed for easier editing
Bug Fixes:
In certain instances, the AdminCP could fail to load with this mod enabled
A caching error caused phrases to not be cached as intended in the AdminCP, causing increased query count on DB Shop pages
The "Enable Navtab" option would not work as intended
Mass updating currencies would display an error
In certain scenarios, the wrong action files could be loaded
The "Rounding" (precision) setting was hidden from the Currency Manager
Currency rounding was not being properly applied to currency displays
Deleting the default shop then re-adding it would not work as intended
Multiple shop tabs would not correctly reload the page in the Shop
Multiple shop tabs would not correctly reload the page in the Inventory
In certain scenarios, items with a price > 0 could fail to purchase
The "Purchase Notifications" and "Configure Notifications" would cause an error if the current user and notification recipient was the same
Purchasing multiple copies of the same item would not display the multiple copies correctly in the inventory
An empty inventory would generate entries in the server error log
Deleting an item could generate entries in the server error log in certain scenarios
Setting the shop owner would cause a PHP Fatal Error
In certain scenarios it would not be possible to complete checkout
Deleting items could produce a PHP error
Purchasing an item with limited stock could produce an error from the Shop Inventory datawriter
Having a Shop Owner could produce a PHP error on the shop list
Creating an item with a duration > 0 could produce a PHP error on checkout
Deleting an item in the AdminCP will now also remove it from users’ shopping carts