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Unmaintained [bd] Widget Framework 2.6.6

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Reviews 4.89 star(s) 164 reviews

Pure magic!
Thanks so much for this premium add on.
Nice addon, very useful thank you!
Works perfectly. Thanks for the XFRM update.
This is probably my favorite xF addon. Easy to use & extremely versatile! Fantastically great job!
An essential XF add-on!
Great! A must have!
Not Bad
^_^ thx i hope if there is way to add ( new icon for any new thread shows in the widget ) and thanks again
A must have for every XenForo forum!
Excellent add-on that provides much-needed functionality. I bought the one-year support package at to help the developer (you should, too), and his assistance is top-notch. Thanks for a great plugin and framework.
This addon doubles the value of Xenforo. I would not use Xenforo without this. Thanks for all the new features.
thank you very much
Thank You! Great!
Very useful and robust!
Well done!
Another great resource from xfrocks. Would love a 'Visited in last 24 hours' widget ... :wink: :)
This is just amazing, was using xenPorta before, switched to Widget Framework after updating my community to 1.2, and I have fallen in love with the options and friendliness to set it up in the Admin Control Panel!
Great mod. thank you!
Great resource. Very easy to work with as a developer and very easy to use as a forum admin.
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