Resources by Wutime

Limited Guest Viewing Wutime
Limited Guest Viewing 1.7.3 $20.00
Increase forum registrations by limiting guest views
Prevent Unconfirmed Email Addresses from Browsing Community Wutime
Prevent users with unconfirmed email address from browsing community until confirmed
Increase Registrations by Blurring Post Text Wutime
If you’d like to boost registrations and deter guests viewing all your content use this add-on.
Force Custom User Field Completion after Registration or Login Wutime
Force your users to complete selected custom user fields after registration or after next login
Google Adsense Autoads (Basic) Wutime
Quickly add Google Adsense Auto Ads to your website.
Search Limit Essentials - Boost Registrations and Upgrades Wutime
Limit the number of searches guests and users can make to encourage signups and upgrades.
Google Adsense Autoads (Advanced) Wutime
Quickly add Google Adsense Autoads to your website
AdBlock Detected Tracker & Statistics Wutime
Silently track users that AdBlock and move them to a designated role - promote paid membership.
Advanced Quote/Reply Essentials Wutime
Allow users to reply without requiring them to immediately quote post text
Thread/Conversation Email Full Message Text by Usergroups Wutime
Set who receives full text message text in emails through usergroup selection.
AdBlock Detection [anti-AdBlock] Wutime
Recoup lost revenue by forcing visitors to disable their adblocker
[Wutime] Snow storm effect Wutime
Add a subtle snow storm effect to your website for the holidays or winter
Allow User to Hide Avatars Wutime
Allow users to update their preferences and disable large avatars site-wide
Accessible Navigation for Assistive Devices Wutime
Large header and footer page navigation for people that use assistive devices to navigate web pages.
Notice shown by URL Keyword Wutime
Show notices based on URL keywords and wildcards
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