Google Adsense Autoads (Advanced)

Google Adsense Autoads (Advanced) v2.0

No permission to buy ($25.00)
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.0
  2. 2.1
  3. 2.2
Updates duration
1 Year
Visible branding
Quickly add Google's Adsense to your website using Google's Autoads placement.

The most recent update includes the newly released Ad Code from Google from July 19, 2021.

Setup is easy:
  • Download and install the addon
  • Enter your Adsense publisher ID
  • Choose any controllers you don't want to show ads on
  • Choose any forums (and children) you don't want to show ads on
  • Choose any usergroups you don't want to show ads to
  • Specify any pages to exclude
  • Enable the plugin
  • Profit!
This module is fully internationalized and supports phrases to be multilingual.
  • 1558152405048.webp
    45.4 KB · Views: 2,728
  • autoads-advanced-new-feature-optiongroup.webp
    38.6 KB · Views: 1,035
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

More resources from Wutime

Latest updates

  1. v2.0 - Updated Ad Performance

    New AdSense code released July 19, 2021 (fully backward/forwards compatible) The new AdSense...
  2. v1.7.0 - Ability to ignore forums

    This update brings a user requested update as follows: Ability to exclude any selected forum...
  3. The current version is 1.6.0

    There is no update, previous update showed v1.5.6 (typo), when in fact the current version is v1.6.0

Latest reviews

took a while for it to work because I had some other items conflicting with it, but that was on my end. Overall, solid product.
Thanks @drastic, it was my pleasure lending a hand.
Thank you @Wutime ... great addon, great support, great consideration, great job! Thanks Bunches! :)
Thanks @novice! And thanks for the good suggestion on an update.
Works great! So much easier then trying to hand code who can and can not see the ads. Time is money and this addon is worth the money.
Thanks for the positive review. All the best :)
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