google adsense

  1. Baby Community

    Google adsense page Bgbg increased abnormally Why?

    Friends, if anyone knows about Adsense, please tell me. Page RPM increased abnormally compared to yesterday. Is this related to the number of visitors entering today, or is it related to the fact that members entered quality content today? Can any experts in this field tell me?
  2. bzcomputers

    What was your solution for the Google Adsense deadline on Jan 16, 2024?

    I am interested in seeing and hearing about what solutions admins are currently using, or will be implementing in the near future, to keep compliant with Google AdSense's GDPR consent message requirement that is set to begin enforcement on January 16, 2024. Concerns I currently have: 1) If...
  3. eL_

    XF 2.2 Google AdSense

    Please, any advice about where to add the Google AdSense code in the xenForo root dir? It sais that I have to add the code in the HTML of your site, between the <head> and </head> tags. I didn't find any HTML in my xenForo root dir.
  4. Wanji

    XF 2.2 DIV shrinking due to auto Google AdSense

    How to fix DIV shrinking due to auto Google AdSense?
  5. yepkoo

    XF 2.2 Google adsense ads not showing.

    Hello After this last update, I saw that automatic adsense ads were not running. Anyone have an idea about the reason for this? No problem with adsense. thanks
  6. H

    Adsense penalties Encouraging accidental clicks: Layout

    Anyone else been having this issue for the last few weeks for their Xenforo? Get a "must fix Encouraging accidental clicks" then get a two click penalty for a couple of days. I request a review as soon as I see it and it's usually gone within 2 days, then it takes 3 days for the penalty to go...
  7. Baby Community

    Google broke my theme. Can you help me?

    Google broke my theme. Can you help me? I marked on the posts. But it breaks the theme. But it's smooth on mobile
  8. Wutime

    Google Adsense Autoads (Basic) v1.1.0

    Quickly add Google's Adsense to your website using Google's Autoads placement. Setup is easy: Download and install the addon Enter your Adsense publisher ID Enable the plugin Profit! This module is fully Internationalized and Multilingual. If you'd like advanced display features and the...
  9. Wutime

    Google Adsense Autoads (Advanced) v2.0

    Quickly add Google's Adsense to your website using Google's Autoads placement. The most recent update includes the newly released Ad Code from Google from July 19, 2021. Setup is easy: Download and install the addon Enter your Adsense publisher ID Choose any controllers you don't want to show...
  10. hibiskus

    Lack of interest Opt-In Cookies, Tracking, Receive saved Data - GDPR, DSGVO - European Law.

    1. I want to alarm the community, because i got a mail where one guy wanted to receive all his saved data, because now it is his right. And he tried that for simple reason to see if he can sue me, because he literally said in the 2nd mail that he gives me another 48 the response or he will sue...
  11. onesoftindiana

    XF 2.0 Disable Google Adsense Auto-Ads from Private Forum and Conversations

    I have placed Google Adsense auto ad code in head section of page_container template. I don't want ads to appear on private forums and conversations. How do I do that ? Incidentally they are not appearing in private forums but I see a blank ad area. Doesn't look good aeshetically. How do...
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