Prevent Unconfirmed Email Addresses from Browsing Community

Prevent Unconfirmed Email Addresses from Browsing Community v1.2.0

No permission to buy ($10.00)

Reviews 4.50 star(s) 2 reviews

Prevent Unconfirmed Email Addresses from Browsing Community is an effective tool to prevent newly registered users with unconfirmed email addresses from accessing community pages until they confirm their email. It displays a clear warning message prompting users to confirm their email before continuing to browse. I've been using this plugin for almost a year along with other products from the developer, and it truly performs its function excellently. Additionally, the developer provides attentive and prompt support to resolve any issues that may arise. I recommend this plugin to all administrators looking to enhance the quality and security of their community.
Great addon to try to wake up those who haven't realized that you have to confirm the email address, it's clear and good in appearance.
Before I had created an information note but this way it's much better! Thank you very much Wutime!
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