Resources by Sim

SparkPost Mail Transport for XF 2.3 Sim
Symfony Mailer transport implementation for SparkPost
Hide Resource Ratings Sim
Hide resource ratings stars from the UI
Private Site Sim
Private Site 1.2.0
Hide unnecessary features from guests on a private site
Monolog Logging Service Sim
Provides Monolog logging facilities for XenForo 2.x addons
Log Digest Sim
Log Digest 3.1.1
Sends XenForo logs to administrators via email
Learn how to unit test your XenForo addons to make them more robust and error-free
Known Bots Sim
Known Bots 6.0.5
Adds additional definitions for bot detection in sessions
Location Explain Sim
Add an explanation to the location field
CLI Job / Cron Runner Sim
An advanced CLI triggered job runner for Unix cron with extensive debugging support
Archive Site Sim
Archive Site 2.0.1
Put a site into archive mode and hide unnecessary features from guests
Items This Page Sim
Add template variable $xf.itemsThisPage for how many posts/media items/resources/etc are on a page
Home Page Title Sim
Set a custom title for the home page instead of boardTitle
Hide Signatures Sim
Add a permission setting to control who can hide signatures
Hide Adverts Sim
Hide Adverts 1.1.2
Add a permission setting to control who can hide adverts
Hide Sidebar 1.0.1
Hide sidebar on selected nodes
Geoblock Registration Sim
Ban or moderate users from specific countries when registering using Maxmind's GeoLite2 Database
Content BBCode Sim
Adds various content linking BBCode tags to XenForo, including [THREAD], [POST], [SEARCH], [TAG], [X
Approval Queue Plus Sim
Adds extra information to the Approval Queue
Account Upgrades Info Sim
Add information to the account upgrades page
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