Resources by AddonsLab

Guest Posting by AddonsLab AddonsLab
Promotes creation of content by guests and new registrations without risk of increased spamming.
Quick Thread by AddonsLab AddonsLab
Quick thread field on top of thread list with configurable messages.
Thread Thumbnail for XenForo 1.x by AddonsLab AddonsLab
Quickly set the thumbnail for a thread using thread attachments.
Confirm Email Field 2.x AddonsLab
The add-on adds a new field in XenForo registration page for users to confirm their email.
Perspective API Integration by AddonsLab AddonsLab
Post moderation and live feedback about post quality using Google Perspective API
No GIF Avatar by AddonsLab AddonsLab
Disallow the users to upload GIF avatars
Link Checker for Resource Manager by AddonsLab AddonsLab
Check links and batch process them in XenForo Resource Manager 1.x versions
What's New Page by AddonsLab AddonsLab
An overview page showing all new content from XenForo and installed add-ons
Post Limit Per Node by AddonsLab AddonsLab
Set limit on number of threads and posts user can make in a predefined time configured per node
[AddonsLab] Navigation Badge AddonsLab
Allows adding a static or dynamically generated badge next to any public navigation entry.
Confirm Email Field by AddonsLab AddonsLab
Adds a new field in registration page for users to confirm their email
Collapsable Admin Menu by AddonsLab AddonsLab
Allows admins to collapse the sections in left side admin sidebar
Original Poster Highlight by AddonsLab AddonsLab
Highlight the original poster in the threads with a ribbon on original poster's avatar
Like Limit Per Node by AddonsLab AddonsLab
Set limit on number of likes a user can make in a predefined time configured per node
Add Poll Option by AddonsLab AddonsLab
Allow users to add their own response option to the polls - controlled by permissions
AddonsLab Moderate Custom User Titles AddonsLab
Allows the moderators to moderate user titles for configurable usergroups
SSL Login AddonsLab
SSL Login 1.2
Allows protecting login/register pages by SSL keeping other pages non-secure
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