[TAC] Any Spam API

[TAC] Any Spam API 1.0.9

No permission to download
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.4
  2. 1.5
Commercial, Unpaid, Free License
Visible branding
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Included in the [TAC] Total Anti-Spam Collection.


This add-on allows you to define any anti-spam API you want to use, to construct the rules applied to the API response, and define the logic for the rules. In addition to this offering standalone protection, other TAC add-ons (e.g. Fool Bot Honey Pot), are able to use the APIs you define.

So now, if there is an API you wish to use on registration that isn't available as a separate add-on, you can simply use this add-on to define it yourself.

For the API usage, please consider donating to the owners of the APIs that you use.


This add-on comes preconfigured with the following APIs:
  • Project Honey Pot Http:BL
  • Block Disposable Email API
  • Stop Forum Spam
  • FSpamlist
  • Spam Busted
  • Bot Scout
You can use up to 10 APIs, all completely defined by you.

This plugin can be used in combination with:
  • Stop Human Spam (Stops human creating links / sigs / banned content, it also checks for "sneaky broken links")
  • Fool Bot Honey Pot(to stop spam bots completely!)
    • This add-on integrates well with Fool Bot Honey Pot, as the logs will show Any Api results too.
  • Stop Country Spam (to reduce spam from particular countries bot/human),
  • Custom Image Captcha (2nd fallback to stop spam bots)
  • Bot Arrestor (to reduce the amount of resources spam bots & scrapers use)


Set options in: Admin control panel -> Home -> Options -> AnyApi.


AnyApiFbhpIntergration.png AnyApiLogic.png AnyApiLogs.png AnyApiOptions.png AnyApiRegistrationForm.png
First release
Last update


4.20 star(s) 5 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. v 1.0.9

    Product was taken over from Yugensoft. NO new features or bug fixes. No need to update your...
  2. First update under new ownership; v1.0.8

    [TAC has been acquired by Yugensoft] Changes: Proofread and edited phrase lists. Changed to...
  3. fixed fieldmap bug

    - this bug seems to have just come from now where, strange AnyAPI has always been very stable...

Latest reviews

This addon is effectively broken on Xenforo 1.4.*. It will not work with the new CAPTCHA options, and the support for checking email addresses and usernames is totally broken. I will adjust my rating when fixed.
That was an old version, newest version is in the paid TAC pack. I will updated this one shortly, I've been testing with xf 1.5.11
Works great!
Absolutely essential tool for keeping spammers out
Great spam tool!
im testing this!
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