[Andrew] Moderator Panel

[Andrew] Moderator Panel 2.0.9

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Reviews 4.97 star(s) 40 reviews

Must have plugin. Get it, don't think. My mods are blown away by this and having a much better time moderating thanks to the add-on they can see all sorts of important metrics that were hidden to them. It gives power to the mod team they didn't have to do their jobs.
This add-on just gets better and better. Developer listens to feedback and responds really quickly. If only all developers were like this!
I had kept seeing this addon discussion crop up and never bothered to look at it. So finally I decided to install it and now cannot believe how we managed with it. Such a great resource and archive. It's indispensable especially as a tool for when you appoint a new mod - they can see at a glance the history of dodgy users and other mod actions. Great!
This seems quite essential and is very well done. Amazing contribution to the entire forum community with this add-on.
This is such a great add on, a must for any community owner. Thanks to the developer for continuous updates, and that all for free!
Honestly surprised this is not a core feature of XenForo. Provides an excellent home for moderation functions.
Excelent add-on when you will give your moderators a better working place with many helpfull options for moderating. But its also for admins helpfull to have a better overview over moderating stuff.
Best moderation extension ever. It's very useful and easy to use. I'll be looking forward to updates. Thank you Andrew!
Indispensible addon, thank you Andrew for putting crazy hours on a free addon. Been running it for years without issue.
I love this moderator panel, and I love the responsiveness of the developer. Thank you for a job well done.
Anything we can do to make it better?
The most useful plugin I've ever used. Thanks for this useful plugin. It should definitely in Xenforo.
Simply brilliant addon that makes the life of moderators so much easier. I can't believe I haven't installed this before!
This is an essential tool that all Xenforo sites should have, especially if you have moderators helping to manage the forum. This gives them the tools they need, in an easy to use layout. Author is very responsive.
Super detailed. One of the best mods available for XenForo. I'd expect Andrew will be part of adding this to XF 3.0!
It's a really great addon. It is much easier to find information. And it makes the daily moderation easier.
It's a great plugin, but it also has a great developer. While some developers aren't even that concerned with their paid plugins, Andrew's interest is admirable! Thanks for the plugin <3
I appreciate the comment
I love it, and so does my staff team! Great work and great support. I would recommend this add-on. Keep up the good work!
It's amazing! The perfect panel for your forums. Huge functionality for managing the forum and users.
Wonderful! My mods love it :) A great collection of very useful tools, user notes, and top user lists that make it easier to keep an eye on bad behaviour.
This is brilliant and amazing. To have such add on provided for free is very generous of you. I have installed it on my forum https://admin-junkies.com.
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