Alert Improvements by Xon

Alert Improvements by Xon 2.10.13

No permission to download
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.2
Additional requirements
php 7.2+
Standard Library v1.18.0 by Xon
MIT Licence
Visible branding
A collection of improvements to the XenForo Alerts system.

Do not use MySQL statement-based replication with this add-on

  • Per-alert 'mark read' links on each alert
  • Multi-select ability to mark alerts as read or unread.
  • Avoid unexpected marking alerts as read by browser prefetch, this may result in alerts not being marked as read as expected.
  • Global option, enable/disable alert summarization
  • User Option to prevent marking as read when accessing the alerts pop-up
  • User Option to prevent summarization when accessing /accounts/alerts page.
  • User Option to adjust summarization threshold
  • Only mark alerts that are viewed on alert page/alert pop-up, not all alerts
    • If an alert was explicitly marked as unread, skip marking that alert as read when the alert pop-up is touched.
    • Per-alert 'alert bell reads' configuration
Supported content types for alert summarization
  • Posts, conversation, profile post, profile post comments, xfmg comment reactions
  • User follows
  • Post quotes
Performance impact
  • Alert pop-up can fetch a number of unread reactions to attempt to summarize them
Contributing features or bug fixes
Please create a Github Pull request via the "More Information" link.


If you appreciate this add-on, please consider a contribution via PayPal. Details will be provide via private conversation.

Please contact me if you wish for different licensing arrangements.
Related resources
  • admincp-options.webp
    37.8 KB · Views: 801
  • alert-perferences-1.webp
    37.5 KB · Views: 795
  • alert-perferences-2.webp
    26.7 KB · Views: 797
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 9 ratings

More resources from Xon

Latest updates

  1. 2.10.13 - Minor feature update

    Add "Use stock UI for marking alerts as read" style property (default disabled)
  2. 2.10.12 - Maintainance update

    When the user's alert count is non-zero, the alert-popup is forced to fetch unread alerts first...
  3. 2.10.11 - Minor feature update

    Add explain text to the "Use custom" value for "Alerting Preferences" per-user option Add...

Latest reviews

A must-have addon for anyone looking to expand the function of the alert system while providing their users with greater control.
This is one of my favorite add-ons. I never liked how before, if you simply clicked the update notification "bell", it would immediately mark them all read. I much prefer each one marked as I view them! Thanks!!
Xon is an excellent person, I reported issues with the alert plugin and within a few days he fixed them all. It goes without saying that he's a great developer because it's obvious.
We are using this add-on on a very large forum and recently started facing issues. Xon fixed the issues related to deadlock we are having for us. His support is top-notch.
I've used this for over a year on a large forum with over 20 million posts. It's been working with no problems. Users like the improvements to the alert system.
As a forum owner, you want to give your users as much flexibility as possible. This is one of those addons that fills the void and solves many of the "are we able to ...." questions regarding the notifications system.

We aren't using this with Conversation Essentials, but are with Content Ratings and it works great.

The ability to adjust and customise summarization of alerts is brilliant.

Well worth adding to your forum this one!
Xon has some of the most useful addons and this is one of them. He also has unrivaled support. Literally fixing bugs within a day.
Very nice to see this add-on updated to version 2.0. It was one of the add-ons I really liked with the old xenforo version, and has been missed by our members until now. Great work Xon!
Thank you for this free XF2 version, it is one of the essential addons before I can migrate. Xon is one of the most trustworthy XF developers, all his addons can be installed blindly, as everyone knows: it will work and it is safe.
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