[8WR] XenUtiles (Staff)

Unmaintained [8WR] XenUtiles (Staff) 1.0.1

No permission to download
Visible branding
Yes, but removable with payment
This addon is FREE; and you should expect a level of support natural for a free addon... none. There is a fully supported version of this addon available here; and as such, this free version will no longer be receiving any updates.

A branding removal license and instructions on how to remove the brands quick and easily can be purchased HERE for $50. Each branding removal license is good for ONE forum only and removes the brand from ALL XenUtiles packages!

With the release of XF1.2 I've decided to comply with a long-requested change to how I do XenUtiles. In the past, I've included all of my admin tools into XenUtiles as a single omnibus package... people didn't like this. So instead, I will be separating packages into related features.

This specific package is for staff related features.

  • Redesigns the staff member list into a more informative page.
  • Adds a list of content moderators at the top of each forum.
  • Adds a small separator bar between sticky and normal threads.
  • Adds a [notice] bbcode to be used to stand out in posts/threads.

Untitled-1.png Untitled-2.png Untitled-3.png

  • upload the contents of the attached zip to your XF root
  • install from file on server: "library/EWRutiles/Staff/addon-EWRutiles_staff.xml"
  • set options in administration control panel
As most of you know, I've been rewriting all my mods for "PRO" releases. However, I've decided that these XenUtiles features are pretty essential to most forums. So I've decided not to charge for the majority of XenUtiles features. If you appreciate my work, please consider a donation.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

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Thanks for a great add-on. The sticky-bar seperator is something I've been looking for too, thanks!
Useful, i like the new BBCode :)
Nice and useful addon
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