[8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

Unmaintained [8WR] XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0

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Reviews 4.64 star(s) 91 reviews

Thank you very much for the HOTFIX! Very good news to see you listen to the community. This fix was extremely important to many of us; especially regarding recentslider, etc.
On a beefy server, I don't mind the auto promote. The whole reason I installed this resource was because of that. Please bring it back as a option.

You're the best :D
Great addon! Thanks!
This is great, Xenforo wouldn't have been an option without this addon! Thanks!
Excellent add-on!
Very good add-on - there is a reason this is the most downloaded add-on!

Coulden't have switched to xenFora without it!
Excellent mod!
Excellent mod!
A must have add-on for any XenForo website looking to be a little more than just forums.
Great Add-on!
This addon was one of the key reasons I switched over from vBulletin 4 over to Xenforo. Xenporta is way better than any CMS system I've ever used... and it's free.
Long awaited latest update fixes incompatibility with Self Delete by Waindigo. Thank you!
thanks man :D
Great mod!
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