[8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

Unmaintained [8WR] XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0

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Reviews 4.64 star(s) 91 reviews

This is a great add-on. When you go to the home page, you get all the latest news and featured threads. This is very useful because you can add twitter feeds and a lot more.
nice addon i like it but i can't drag and i can't edit Layout so plis can some one help me plis .....
This addon is more than a portal. It has been very useful to display article content in an article fashion. That is my favorite feature! I look forward to seeing what Jaxel has planned for his next release. I know you can do it! ;-)
The only replacement for vB Advanced as far as I am concerned. Also the only current 3 column solution which some customers demand. The flexibility with block development is great. The plugin does lack support. But its free and still works.
Great add-on for any forum. Perfect - fills the major gap that every XenForo forum comes across.
Very nice
thank you
Great UI and the best way to change the XF to multi-purpose site.
Exceptionally easy to setup and adds much needed functionality to the forums.
Great work here. Xenforo CEO should have in mind that some people buy their software just for this addon.
Such an awesome addon! Thank you it works great in 1.2.4
Great work, Jaxel!
XenPorta is the reason why I went from IPB to XenForo
Great, nice Portal :)
Really nice portal..
Amazing, I prefer this to the Widget Framework as it's got a drag 'n drop layout for editing portals and individual pages.

Awesome :)
I love this and I prefer it for anyone wanting a good "Home" tab.
I have one question though, how do you get one of those blocks to expand to fit the whole page (excluding side bar)
loving it
A very useful addition to Xenforo
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