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This forum spotlights some of XenForo's interesting features. Spotlights on features in upcoming releases will be posted here.
Watching Resource Categories, Anonymous Reviews, and More...
The Resource Manager 1.1 update will soon be running here on XenForo.com with a public beta release to follow after further testing. But before that, let's talk about a few more of the new features coming. Watching Resource Categories Similar to watching a forum in XenForo 1.1, you can now watch a whole resource category: Anonymous Reviews Administrators can now choose to allow users to leave anonymous reviews. Anonymous reviews are still associated with the user leaving the review (to prevent duplicate reviews and to maintain accountability). However, only users with permission to bypass user privacy will be able to see who left the review. In this example I can see that "test" left the review because I have permission...
Resource Category Permissions and Prefixes
We continue our XenForo Resource Manager 1.1 feature showcase with 2 more commonly requested features. These may not be ground breaking, but they will significantly expand the flexibility of the Resource Manager and open up more possibilities for using it. Resource Category Permissions I'm not sure what to show here exactly as you can probably guess what this looks like. :) If you are familiar with node permissions, you'll understand this straight away. In the current release of the RM, permissions can only be specified at the "global" level (user groups or per user). Individual resource categories cannot have any separate permissions, except by setting the Allow resources to be created by... option. Now, every permission can be...
Resource Icons and Featured Resources
Today, we're continuing on with our look at some of the new features coming in the 1.1 release of the XenForo Resource Manager. Up next are 2 of the most common requests. Note that as before, we're not running RM 1.1 here yet so you can't play with these just yet. Resource Icons In the current RM release, the icon that is displayed with a resource has simply been the avatar of the author. This has been used in resource lists and next to the title when viewing the resource itself. In 1.1, administrators can choose to let users upload unique icons for each resource instead, similar to what you might find in various app stores. The icon allows resource authors to have a space to add a quick, unique identifying element to their resource...
Resource Manager Custom Fields
Today, we're ready to start talking about some of the features that will be coming in version 1.1 of the XenForo Resource Manager add-on. This version will be more evolutionary and focuses on adding some of the most popular RM feature requests. Let's start with custom fields... The custom fields you'll find in RM 1.1 are similar to the custom user fields already in XenForo. If you know how to setup those fields, you'll understand how to setup RM custom fields. I'm not going to cover the features in custom resource fields that are part of custom user fields (such as making a field required or the value display HTML). Display Locations Custom resource fields can be displayed in 4 different locations: Above the resource description...
Even More New Stuff
Even a Sunday doesn't stop the new features coming in 1.2. However, this is likely to be the last HYS for XF 1.2, so take that as you wish. :) User preference to disable Flash uploader Some users have run into problems where Flash is enabled but Flash-based uploads would fail. Individual users can now turn off the Flash uploader even if the admin has enabled it. Robot identification in online visitors The online visitors lists now distinguishes guests from robots based on user agent and counts them separately. When viewing the list of online users, robots will be displayed differently, showing you a bit of information about the robot. The online users list can now be filtered to just members, guests, or robots. Command-line...
Bulk Thread Management
Following on from the bulk user management feature we showed earlier, XenForo 1.2 will also allow you to do bulk thread management from the control panel. You will be able to search for any thread with this set of criteria: Note that this finds threads and not posts within them. And then you can take the following actions on matching threads: I don't believe we showed this with bulk user management, but the same option applies there. If you're unsure if the matches are correct or if you want to manually filter them down, you can click the "view or filter matches" link. For bulk thread management, you'll get results like this: You can use the check boxes on the left to manually filter which of the matched threads will be...
Permission Analysis
Permissions in XenForo are very powerful. However, this can also create confusion, especially if you are just getting to grips with the concepts in XenForo's permission system. The biggest challenge is often determining why a user has (or doesn't have) a permission. XenForo 1.2 adds a permission analysis system to help you determine this. Using it is very simple: First, you can choose whether you just want to look at global (user group and user) or node permissions. Global permissions still factor into node permissions, so I'm just looking at the latter here. Then you enter the user you want to check the permissions for and--if you're checking node permissions--the node to check. After submitting the form, you'll be given a...
Conversation Management Improvements
While the conversation concept in XenForo works well, there have been some challenges managing your conversations, particularly if you have a lot. XenForo 1.2 makes some changes to improve this. Most of the changes can be seen in this one screen shot: So the first thing to note is that conversations now have their own tab, which allows us to give a few additional navigation links to specific lists. From there, you'll note that conversations can be starred. You can see the conversation listed there is starred. Starring works like you're probably used to in emails; it's mostly to allow filtering. You can also bulk manage your conversations (over multiple pages) using the inline moderation-style check box. You can star/unstar...
User Group/Staff Banners
In XenForo 1.1, if you want to customize the display of certain users, you're generally limited to user titles and user name styling. However, sometimes this isn't flexible or clear enough. Sometimes you want to be able to draw attention to multiple things for a single user. Enter user group banners: Banners can be configured per user group: (I am aware of the first banner on the second column having its top border wrapped back. This is a browser issue that we're looking into.) You'll note that this set up is similar to how thread prefixes are configured. You can use custom CSS classes to completely change the display of banners (such as by replacing them with images). I've demonstrated that you can have more than one...
Spam Prevention and Management
While 1.1.4 added some spam prevention tools, XenForo 1.2 takes these further. This is by no means the end of our fight against spam though. In 1.2, we've mostly focused on adding support for APIs and adaptable spam prevention techniques. Let's look at a few. Deeper Stop Forum Spam Integration We actually detailed this a long time ago. While 1.1.4 added support for checking a DNSBL that used the Stop Forum Spam database, 1.2 has a much more configurable integration: In addition to simply checking registrations against SFS, you can also get an API key and submit back to them automatically when spam cleaning a user. If you opt to use the SFS integration to check registrations, the Tornevall DNSBL will not be checked. Project...
Watching a Forum
XenForo 1.2 adds another commonly requested feature: the ability to watch a forum. The forum watching system works rather similarly to the thread watching system, just on all content within a forum. When you click the link to watch a forum, you'll see an overlay like this: Notification-less watching options may be expanded in the future (such as with indications on the new threads list). Notifications work identically to thread watching notifications: you'll only receive one about a thread until you view it on the forum. Like threads, you can manage your watched forums in bulk via a dedicated page. This can also be used to simply filter only to forums you're interested in. Administrators can also limit the type of...
Responsive Design
In order to better support smaller-screen devices such as mobile phones and tablets, XenForo 1.2 will be introducing a responsive version of the default design. What is responsive design? At the simplest level, it allows you to specify CSS that applies only if the screen width is below a certain level. This allows the design to be significantly altered to fit smaller screens. For example, tabular or horizontally-focused designs don't work well when you only have a screen that's 320px wide (an iPhone). So, what options will XenForo provide? Here you can see that we provide 3 "inflection points". In general, they correspond to particular classes of devices. Narrow (max width: 480px): phones vertical, some phones horizontal...
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