XF 1.2 You don't have permission to access /install/ on this server.


Active member
Hello, and thank you for trying to assist me.

I have downloaded the 1.2.0 zip file, and uploaded the contents to my directory. I logged into my admin cp with my Super Admin user, and but when I try to perform the upgrade by accessing the install file, I get the following error:

You don't have permission to access /install/ on this server.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks again for any assistance.

You could try going to /install/index.php directly. However, it may be a permissions issue - check that you haven't unexpected 0777'd (made world writable) some of the files.
That should be fine. Check for a .htaccess file in your install/ directory. There shouldn't be one. (If there is, this is an indication of the files being uploaded incorrectly.)
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