XFS Mobile [Deleted]

Firstly a huge thanks to Russ!

The only issue my users have found so far is the Alerts...when selecting one of the alerts, the user is taken to the top of the page and not the post in question.

Andy: I am having no problems with my Ipad and Cezz's mod...my Ipad still shows my default desktop theme and I am using these agents:
android,avantgo,blackberry,blazer,compal,elaine,fennec,hiptop,iemobile,iris,kindle,maemo,midp,phone,plucker,pocket,psp,symbian,treo,vodafone,iphone,ipod,windows ce,windows phone
Oh, just one more very little thing, the release says 1.0.5, the xml description is 1.0.5 but the footer showing on the mobile device is still 1.0.4...naturally not a problem but just letting you know.

It's caused by lines 52 and 1435 of the XML
Hi, this is great style, every mobile user at my forum is loving it.
But I am using Nodes As Tabs plugin - http://xenforo.com/community/resources/nodes-as-tabs.9/
and the mobile theme showes no tabs.
It shows members, search, log out and etc in left top icon. And it shows something like custom link 1-4 in top right icon. Like this
(Screen made in Firefox, somehow it shows the menu only in half.)

I guess it may be a problem of the plugin itself, but users with this theme cant access the forums that are in tabs.
And it would be messy to make special links in the root of the main forum.

You can try it without loging in here: http://forum.majncraft.cz/
All custom links point to help.

I was just checking out your site which looks great by the way. I have a question for you though....what is that box at the bottom of the homepage with the pictures in it? Is that a xenforo picture gallery type add on? I can't say I've seen anything like it, but I'm absolutely interested in adding something like that to my site.

Hey everyone, I'm in Disneyland this week and then heading up the California coast :) back next Tuesday.and ill look at all the issues. PS I knew about the 1.0.4 like 2 hours after I uploaded the package :p
How do I add my own repeating header image?

For example:

Andy, I really like the way you styled your mobile theme. I think I'm going to have to go back to the drawing board with the actual thread/posts pages, I like your styling better. lol

Edit to add: would you be willing to share with us how you did your header?
Who here has been able to change their theme from their phone even after having a mobile auto styleswitch
Andy, I really like the way you styled your mobile theme. I think I'm going to have to go back to the drawing board with the actual thread/posts pages, I like your styling better. lol

Edit to add: would you be willing to share with us how you did your header?
It's a temp style while I'm waiting for XF mobile style.
I'm still making changes on it. Here is one mobile style I think is done really well. It looks nice on retina screen.
To change the header, just modify the mobile* templates. Open the stock XFS mobile style on one browser, and use Google Chrome dev tool to see the CSS class and edit them as you see fit.
Yeah, I saw that Marijuana.com mobile theme and it looks great. I can't for the life of me though figure out how to get an image in the header that works properly.

And yes, I've basically already been doing exactly what you're describing to style my mobile theme. I just wasn't sure how much work it was to move everything to a single header area and rearrange. I like what you did with the search feature as well. Looks much better/cleaner than what is provided out of the box.
Yeah, I saw that Marijuana.com mobile theme and it looks great. I can't for the life of me though figure out how to get an image in the header that works properly.

And yes, I've basically already been doing exactly what you're describing to style my mobile theme. I just wasn't sure how much work it was to move everything to a single header area and rearrange. I like what you did with the search feature as well. Looks much better/cleaner than what is provided out of the box.
I used Tapatalk for a year but I forced myself to use the mobile theme. Whenever I find something that is inconvenient, I will modify it so that all the features I need on a daily basis is at within a click on my phone. If I don't want to use it, my members won't use it.
That's why I move things around. Things such as Search, etc are not used very often so I can hide it in the menu.
I used Tapatalk for a year but I forced myself to use the mobile theme. Whenever I find something that is inconvenient, I will modify it so that all the features I need on a daily basis is at within a click on my phone. If I don't want to use it, my members won't use it.
That's why I move things around. Things such as Search, etc are not used very often so I can hide it in the menu.
Like I said, I think the way you've got it now is just about right. If I were developing an 'official' mobile theme about the only thing I'd change is adding a logo area somewhere in the header and then a mobile ad div at the top of the header. After all, the key to a good mobile theme is to streamline, and yours seems to do a great job.

And while I hear nothing but good things about Tapatalk, I never bothered adding it because it's a paid app. Prefer a custom mobile style of my own.
I plan to do exactly that. Add a logo (to keep branding) and a mobile add on top. I like how the marijua mobile style is but their ads are in house so they can match the background color to the ads to blend it in. If you run random ads on top, it will be hard.
When you find out how to do that, let me know ;)
I plan to do exactly that. Add a logo (to keep branding) and a mobile add on top. I like how the marijua mobile style is but their ads are in house so they can match the background color to the ads to blend it in. If you run random ads on top, it will be hard.
When you find out how to do that, let me know ;)
Ha, don't worry, once I figure out how to add an image logo area that scales on iphone/android and get mobile ads up and running I'll be sure to post how it's done here!
I plan to do exactly that. Add a logo (to keep branding) and a mobile add on top. I like how the marijua mobile style is but their ads are in house so they can match the background color to the ads to blend it in. If you run random ads on top, it will be hard.
When you find out how to do that, let me know ;)
Andy, question...what font are you using for posts on your mobile theme?
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