XFS Mobile [Deleted]

Any chance, you could include a option to include the tabs from add-ons using XenForo_CodeEvent::fire('navigation_tabs',.. ) to add there own tabs to navbar or the quick navigation ( mobile_quicknavigation or "mobile_quicknav2links)

the problem is, that i'm loosing all the custom pages with this style and i would need to edit the ttemplate all the time when adding/removing a navbar tab...
should be handled automatic IMO;)

It was actually designed to be a custom navigation on purpose. I didn't see the need to make "Members" and "Help" main links on the header area so I threw them in the top left dropdown. As for your custom links, you can technically enable the secondary navigation and put your links in there, even if you upgrade the style it will keep the edits. Hopefully you're not adding/removing tabs on a daily basis making it tedious edits indeed ;p.
Hopefully you're not adding/removing tabs on a daily basis making it tedious edits indeed ;p.
No, but what if i disable a add-on, uninstall it or change user permissions.. i would need to change the template too often, or customize the templates to handle this...
that's IMO something that should be handled on php side, but it's easy to solve with some custom coding:)

I've replaced the secondary navigation with an add-on and now all additional tabs using the xenforo event navigation_tabs are shown there:)
Just need to find out if i can add a third navigation too:D
any plans to also include the notices into the style?

and really really really really thx for the style:)
we love it!
I use Cezz's auto mobile switcher and my users report that the Safari browser and Chrome on Mac laptop receives the mobile style instead of the desktop style.

Here is my agent string
android,avantgo,blackberry,blazer,compal,elaine,fennec,hiptop,iemobile,iris,kindle,maemo,midp,phone,plucker,pocket,psp,symbian,treo,vodafone,iphone,windows ce,windows phone,w3c,acs,alav,alca,amoi,audi,avan,benq,bird,blac,blaz,brew,cell,cldc,cmd-,dang,doco,eric,hipt,inno,ipaq,java,jigs,kddi,keji,leno,lg-c,lg-d,lg-g,lge-,
maui,maxo,midp,mits,mmef,mobi,mot-,moto,mwbp,nec-,newt,noki,palm,pana,pant,phil,play,port,prox,qwap,sage,sams,sany,sch-,sec-,send,seri,sgh-,shar,sie-,siem,smal,smar,sony,sph-,symb,t-mo,teli,tim-,tosh,tsm-,upg1,upsi,vk-v,voda,wap-,wapa,wapi,wapp,wapr,webc,winw,winw,xda,xda-,alcatel,amoi,cell,cricket,docomo,elaine,htc,iemobile,ipad,ipaq,ipod,j2me, java, midp,mini,mmp,mobi,motorola,nec-,nokia,palm,panasonic,philips,phone,sagem,sharp,sie-,smartphone,sony,symbian,t-mobile

EDIT: now I'm using this list and the problem is gone.
opera mini,opera mobile,android,avantgo,blackberry,blazer,compal,elaine,fennec,iemobile,iris,kindle,maemo,midp,phone,plucker,pocket,psp,symbian,treo,vodafone,iphone,windows ce,windows phone,cell,cldc,eric,ipaq,ipag,midp,noki,palm,pana,phil,sams,smar,sony,symb,wap,wapa,wapi,wapp,wapr,webc,cell,docomo,elaine,htc,iemobile,ipod,j2me, java, midp,mini,mmp,mobi,motorola,nec-,nokia,palm,panasonic,philips,sharp,sie-,smartphone,sony,symbian,t-mobile,webos,playbook,mobile safari
Does anyone knows if there is a permission or cookie issue when in mobile style, you try to switch to desktop version and it will revert back to mobile version?
Does anyone knows if there is a permission or cookie issue when in mobile style, you try to switch to desktop version and it will revert back to mobile version?
I am also seeing this happen. I think it occurs when the user has a style selected in their profile options - at least, thats all i can pin it down to so far.
I am also seeing this happen. I think it occurs when the user has a style selected in their profile options - at least, thats all i can pin it down to so far.
As a result, I disable the automatic style switcher and let members do it manually. Changing the styles from Preference and then switch style won't make a difference.
Another downside is that if you change style preference on your phone, you will get that version when you use your desktop computer as well.
I hope XF will have a better solution coming out soon.

does anyone know where i should put my adsense code to get the mobile banner in this style?

Does anyone know where @mobileheadercolor is defined?

I'd have expected it in the color palette but it's not and it doesn't seem to be in any of the options..?
Another quick question. The dropdown nav menu text isn't controlled by the header text colour but it's background is controlled by the header background colour.

Screen Shot 2012-04-28 at 18.36.34.webp

Does anyone know how to change the text colour? I can't seem to find the class to change.

Edit: Ah it's hardcoded in mobile_quicknavigation
This is my user agent list:

android,avantgo,blackberry,blazer,compal,elaine,fennec,hiptop,iemobile,iris,kindle,maemo,midp,phone,plucker,pocket,psp,symbian,treo,vodafone,iphone,windows ce,windows phone,w3c,acs,alav,alca,amoi,audi,avan,benq,bird,blac,blaz,brew,cell,cldc,cmd-,dang,doco,eric,hipt,inno,ipaq,java,jigs,kddi,keji,leno,lg-c,lg-d,lg-g,lge-, maui,maxo,midp,mits,mmef,mobi,mot-,moto,mwbp,nec-,newt,noki,palm,pana,pant,phil,play,port,prox,qwap,sage,sams,sany,sch-,sec-,send,seri,sgh-,shar,sie-,siem,smal,smar,sony,sph-,symb,t-mo,teli,tim-,tosh,tsm-,upg1,upsi,vk-v,voda,wap-,wapa,wapi,wapp,wapr,webc,winw,winw,xda,xda-,alcatel,amoi,cell,cricket,docomo,elaine,htc,iemobile,ipaq,ipod,j2me, java, midp,mini,mmp,mobi,motorola,nec-,nokia,palm,panasonic,philips,phone,sagem,sharp,sie-,smartphone,sony,symbian,t-mobile

I copied this from above but removed "ipad" as I don't want it to auto-switch for that but it still seems to. Is there a default list somewhere that has to be edited as well?
Does anyone know where @mobileheadercolor is defined?

I'd have expected it in the color palette but it's not and it doesn't seem to be in any of the options..?

It's under style properties, Mobile Header, I threw some custom style properties in there, at work or else I'd take a screenshot. Hope you can find it or I'll post a screenshot when I get home.


does anyone know where i should put my adsense code to get the mobile banner in this style?

I haven't gotten around to doing some custom work with mobile ad banners, but you can work with page_container to input the code.
Does anyone knows if there is a permission or cookie issue when in mobile style, you try to switch to desktop version and it will revert back to mobile version?

I'm seeing something similar and I've had to disable the auto-switcher for now.

I was getting the mobile style in Firefox on my mac. I had changed the user agent to test the mobile view but after changing this back I was still getting the mobile style.
This is my user agent list:

android,avantgo,blackberry,blazer,compal,elaine,fennec,hiptop,iemobile,iris,kindle,maemo,midp,phone,plucker,pocket,psp,symbian,treo,vodafone,iphone,windows ce,windows phone,w3c,acs,alav,alca,amoi,audi,avan,benq,bird,blac,blaz,brew,cell,cldc,cmd-,dang,doco,eric,hipt,inno,ipaq,java,jigs,kddi,keji,leno,lg-c,lg-d,lg-g,lge-, maui,maxo,midp,mits,mmef,mobi,mot-,moto,mwbp,nec-,newt,noki,palm,pana,pant,phil,play,port,prox,qwap,sage,sams,sany,sch-,sec-,send,seri,sgh-,shar,sie-,siem,smal,smar,sony,sph-,symb,t-mo,teli,tim-,tosh,tsm-,upg1,upsi,vk-v,voda,wap-,wapa,wapi,wapp,wapr,webc,winw,winw,xda,xda-,alcatel,amoi,cell,cricket,docomo,elaine,htc,iemobile,ipaq,ipod,j2me, java, midp,mini,mmp,mobi,motorola,nec-,nokia,palm,panasonic,philips,phone,sagem,sharp,sie-,smartphone,sony,symbian,t-mobile

I copied this from above but removed "ipad" as I don't want it to auto-switch for that but it still seems to. Is there a default list somewhere that has to be edited as well?

Removing "mobi" seems to have stopped it switching for the iPad.
I'm seeing something similar and I've had to disable the auto-switcher for now.

I was getting the mobile style in Firefox on my mac. I had changed the user agent to test the mobile view but after changing this back I was still getting the mobile style.

yeah, no matter what user agent list i use, it still takes me to the mobile version of the site on my mac. using firefox and chrome... does anyone know how to fix this?
So I just started using the 'countdown' block but I have it 'above the forum' and NOT in the sidebar. But when I look at the forum from my mobile (automatically uses the mobile style from cellphones), it only shows the counter but there is not counting being done. I would like to do one of two things:

1) Get the countdown to work on the mobile style
2) Remove the block from the mobile style which shows the block


  • file_mobileviewcountdown.webp
    57.6 KB · Views: 13
yeah, no matter what user agent list i use, it still takes me to the mobile version of the site on my mac. using firefox and chrome... does anyone know how to fix this?

I removed all the user agent strings and then just added iphone, blackberry, android, windows ce and windows phone and that seems to have fixed it.
Anyone installed the Cezz mobile switcher lately? I tried to install it and get this error "Please enter a valid callback method."

The thread based around that mod seems to be pretty much dead so I figured I'd ask here.
The mobile switcher with the typical mobil device names works perfect.
My users has confirmed this with dozend of mobilephones.
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