[XFA] Members Map

[XFA] Members Map [Paid] 1.5.3

No permission to buy (€8.00)
Not sure if this is a bug or not, but when I zoom into London there's two grouped markers that never split into individual markers so I can't find out who the users are.

Are these member profile links broken?

View attachment 141915

They seem to only link to the Map index page.

Whereas these links do link directly to that users location


View attachment 141916

Yep appears link is broken, i will fix it

Not sure if this is a bug or not, but when I zoom into London there's two grouped markers that never split into individual markers so I can't find out who the users are.

View attachment 141917

Is not a bug, it's because 2 users has set their location in same place, or 2 users shared their IP ;)
Is not a bug, it's because 2 users has set their location in same place, or 2 users shared their IP

Ahh right, I think it might be to do with the cluster size setting. Is there one?

In this map add on when zoomed into London you can see many more users, but every pin is visible so you can select each user.



On this page, there's a cool breakdown of the cities and how many users are in each city - but it's not clickable to see who those users are. Is that an option that can be turned on?


PS - That link from my earlier post is wrong on a users profile page too, in addition to the member card


  • upload_2016-10-7_19-6-36.webp
    154.7 KB · Views: 2
Ahh right, I think it might be to do with the cluster size setting. Is there one?

In this map add on when zoomed into London you can see many more users, but every pin is visible so you can select each user.

View attachment 141919

View attachment 141921

If coordinates are exactly same we can't separate pins

On this page, there's a cool breakdown of the cities and how many users are in each city - but it's not clickable to see who those users are. Is that an option that can be turned on?

View attachment 141922

PS - That link from my earlier post is wrong on a users profile page too, in addition to the member card

Not actually, it's just for statistics. ;)
If coordinates are exactly same we can't separate pins

Even if their location is just entered as say 'New York, USA'? I imagine major cities are quite common.

Does this add on grab the locations from the default location field?

Not actually, it's just for statistics. ;)

That's a shame, if it can count the number if users could it not have a pop up overlay that lists those users. Can this be added? It's frustrating to think "Oh! There's 6 people in my home town, I wonder who they are?" and then not be able to click it :(
Even if their location is just entered as say 'New York, USA'? I imagine major cities are quite common.

Does this add on grab the locations from the default location field?

I have add autocomplete on default location field, and autocomplete get coordinate from google API so if 2 users set same location coordinates are same.
I can't do nothing for this unfortunally.

That's a shame, if it can count the number if users could it not have a pop up overlay that lists those users. Can this be added? It's frustrating to think "Oh! There's 6 people in my home town, I wonder who they are?" and then not be able to click it :(

I can add this yes in futur release
I can't do nothing for this unfortunally.

Really? Is there no option to turn off the the clustering at a certain zoom level so you can see all the pins? It looks like that's what is happening on the other add on.

I can add this yes in futur release

Please do! That would be cool and is only a natural progression after you've just clicked on a continent...then a country...then a...wait! You can't click on the city even though it tells me there's 10 people there??....that's weird...

Does this add a map tab to the users profile too? I thought I saw one earlier, but maybe I got confused.

But it shows one in this early screenshot with a path added, which seems like a neat feature. Does that still exist?

Will give it a go :)

What's the difference between Google Api Server Key and Google Api Public Key? Can I use the same generated API key?
Browser key is a key used for javascript component (map,autocomplete...) and server key its for our php code (geocoding)

So you need have 2 differents key
Got quite a few of these errors, any ideas? :)
The site uses SSL if that makes a difference.

ErrorException: file_get_contents(): https:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 - library/XFA/MembersMap/Class/GeoAdress.php:47
Generated By: Unknown Account, Yesterday at 10:01 PM
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(2, 'file_get_conten...', '/home/evolve/pu...', 47, Array)
#1 /home/evolve/public_html/library/XFA/MembersMap/Class/GeoAdress.php(47): file_get_contents('https://maps.go...')
#2 /home/evolve/public_html/library/XFA/MembersMap/CronEntry/GeoIp.php(65): XFA_MembersMap_Class_GeoAdress->getGeoLocationFromAddress()
#3 /home/evolve/public_html/library/XFA/MembersMap/CronEntry/GeoIp.php(32): XFA_MembersMap_CronEntry_GeoIp::_insertLocationFromAdress('London', 1)
#4 /home/evolve/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Cron.php(356): XFA_MembersMap_CronEntry_GeoIp::run(Array)
#5 /home/evolve/public_html/library/XenForo/Deferred/Cron.php(24): XenForo_Model_Cron->runEntry(Array)
#6 /home/evolve/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(295): XenForo_Deferred_Cron->execute(Array, Array, 7.9999969005585, '')
#7 /home/evolve/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(429): XenForo_Model_Deferred->runDeferred(Array, 7.9999969005585, '', false)
#8 /home/evolve/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(374): XenForo_Model_Deferred->_runInternal(Array, 8, '', false)
#9 /home/evolve/public_html/deferred.php(23): XenForo_Model_Deferred->run(false)
#10 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(37) "https://.com/deferred.php"
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(3) {
    ["_xfRequestUri"] => string(22) "/calendar/2014.206/day"
    ["_xfNoRedirect"] => string(1) "1"
    ["_xfResponseType"] => string(4) "json"
You are on shared hosting or dedicated ?
If you are on dedicated you need enable allow_url_fopen in php.ini i
If you are on shared you need ask it to your host ;)
Thanks, found it. Was disabled for some reason even though the default is enabled!

I seem to be having a problem with any users showing up on the map, all the stats seem to be there, but there's only 1 user, the most recent person to register, who I imagine was from after I installed the add on.

I tried running both of the crons for you add on, but no luck.

Any ideas?

Also, the map doesn't seem to work for me on mobile, is that a bug?
Thanks, found it. Was disabled for some reason even though the default is enabled!

I seem to be having a problem with any users showing up on the map, all the stats seem to be there, but there's only 1 user, the most recent person to register, who I imagine was from after I installed the add on.

I tried running both of the crons for you add on, but no luck.

Any ideas?

Also, the map doesn't seem to work for me on mobile, is that a bug?

Weirdly enough that one user has no location or lat/long details in their profile! o_O

Your members need to allow display their location on map in their preferences ;)
That seems odd and a bit pointless, no? Surely they should just appear if they've already entered a location? XF default behavious already links anyone looking to a map, double opt in seems over the top.

How can I enable anyone who has a valid location field to shown up and ensure it's defaulted to on for new members?
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