[XFA] Forum Sales

[XFA] Forum Sales [Paid] 1.5.1

No permission to buy (€6.00)
Yeah, two "items" appear, one being the admin fees.

Fees are taken from both items based on the item amount if I am not mistaking but I don't remember, perhaps it's just taken from, the effective item and not the fees item.

I’m not quite following, it sounds like the standard “goods & services” PayPal fed is deducted based on the selling price and the admin fee (if any) is also deducted. So if it’s a $10 sale with a $1 fee, $0.69 (3.9%+$0.30) + $1 so the recipient gets $8.31. Sound right?
What I meant is that the paypal fees are perhaps shared between the buyer and the admin as it's in fact two payments, but not sure can't recall exactly. Perhaps it's only taken on the seller transaction.
Well someone has to know the answer. Do a test transaction. I can’t be the only person wondering about this but oddly no one has asked
This is what I thought :)

Fees are taken from both.
I tried with a 20€ sale with 2% to admin:
  • Seller received 19€60 - 0€92 of fees
  • Admin received 0€40 - 0€26 of fees

Now that I recall this is not something that could be changed, ie. having only fees on the seller transaction.

hello thank you for addon

but installed and when add some articles to buy when clin on bouton to but have an error message :


Please contact the seller, no valid paypal email address was provided.

but my paypal adress are corect any idea ?
  • Have you set a paypal address when creating the thread ?
  • Have you activated percentage on sale ?
  • In that case, have you configured a paypal address in admincp ?
  • Have you set a paypal address when creating the thread ?
  • Have you activated percentage on sale ?
  • In that case, have you configured a paypal address in admincp ?

1- yes add when created thread

2- no i have no activated pecentage on sale because are fixed price

3- and yes in admincp have paypal adress configured are work for donation but on forum sales i get this message

thank you for reply
Are you sure ? Please provide me a test account so I can check because if you did all that you shouldn't be having this error.
XFA updated [XFA] Forum Sales with a new update entry:

Maintenance release

Corrected bugs:
  • When "Sales expiration" option is set to 0, all sales are set to expired after expiration cron run.
  • "Sold" text incorrectly styled in resources list.
  • In Grid view, images with height far higher than width lead to thumbnail going over title.
  • In Grid view, if forum is not located in server root but in a sub-directory, thumbnail images doesn't show.
  • In Grid view, layout is incorrect when the title of the thread is too long.
  • Phrase...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I found another feature I'm not happy with.
When I use "force sales" and set a minimum price, I'd expect to see that the thread cannot be opened (refused with error message) if the minimum price is not reached.
But I get an openend thread without sale.
Can this be changed?

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