The breadcrums do not work effectively. When You click on a subforum on my site, e.g "General Hacking"
The breadcrumb show's as this:
But when you hover over the link for Hacking & Exploits it doesn't have the correct link.
It has this:
Which when clicked just returns you to the forum homepage to the first tab.. this is because the breadcrumb should be taking you back to the tabbed navigation for Hacking & Exploits which is this link:
This is happening because xenforo is trying to take me back to the sub-category of "Hacking & Exploits" which is a sub-category to the main category on the tabbed navigation known as "Hacking & Coding".
This is extremely frustrating and breaks the feel of the website as a user is clicking the "Hacking & Exploits" breadcrumb expecting to be led back to forum category but instead just gets re-directed to the forum homepage and the default/main tab.