xF-Wordpress Bridge [Paid] [Deleted]

Hey, I tried to install this plugin to connect my Wordpress blog which is in mydomain.com to my forum which is in forum.mydomain.com.
What I have to write in Relative path to XenForo to connect the forum with the blog?
In the FTP I see the forum in /forum and the blog in the /httpdocs
Hey, I tried to install this plugin to connect my Wordpress blog which is in mydomain.com to my forum which is in forum.mydomain.com.
What I have to write in Relative path to XenForo to connect the forum with the blog?
In the FTP I see the forum in /forum and the blog in the /httpdocs

For the first field you need the absolute path of the location of your forums. In the other one you'd just put the domain of your forum without a trailing slash, so in your case it should be forum.mydomain.ccom as KakersUK mentioned, you might be able to use that method to find the absolute path of your forums.
I have had this excellent addon functioning on my site for about a year now, however this morning I updated Word Press using the auto-update feature. Since this time the forum works normally, but I can only access the Blog if not logged in.

If I am logged in then all blog pages and the dashboard pages are blank.

Any suggestions?
I have had this excellent addon functioning on my site for about a year now, however this morning I updated Word Press using the auto-update feature. Since this time the forum works normally, but I can only access the Blog if not logged in.

If I am logged in then all blog pages and the dashboard pages are blank.

Any suggestions?

Would you please clarify:

Which version of WP worked to which version currently installed?

Did you disable the plugin by going into the server via FTP, rename the plugin (add a -1 to the name), go to www.yoursite.com/wp-admin ?
My apologies, I should have provided more details.

The version of WP under which the plugin worked: 3.4.2

Current version of WP after upgrade: 3.7.1

I have been able to get dashboard access by doing as you suggested and now that the plug-in is disabled the site is functioning normally (apart from only being able to log-in to WP with users created directly in the WP user table).
My apologies, I should have provided more details.

The version of WP under which the plugin worked: 3.4.2

Current version of WP after upgrade: 3.7.1

I have been able to get dashboard access by doing as you suggested and now that the plug-in is disabled the site is functioning normally (apart from only being able to log-in to WP with users created directly in the WP user table).

Seek support in the support forums here: http://faeroncorp.com/community/

Furthermore, I feel like you might have come to the wrong plugin thread. This plugin was released near May, so you couldn't possibly have used it for over a year.
"Seek support in the support forums here: http://faeroncorp.com/community/"

I have signed up there and I am not receiving my confirmation email. I have checked Junk as well. I resent 5 times.

Can you please check your PM here, or send me a confirmation email on your support site. My username is Stan
Any support on this at all? I can not register on your boards because I do not receive the email to my personal server or gmail.
Sorry Stan, it seems as though you were registered with your custom email address which might have caused the issue, I've approved your registration and added you to the group.
WordPress Plugin Conflicts
  • W3 Total Cache (Messes up Single Sign On)

Can anyone recommend a suitable replacement for W3 Total Cache? This is pretty important on my site and I've been holding off purchasing the bridge for that reason. Thanks
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