XF 1.5 XF to XF import?



Is it possible to move members and posts from one Xenforo forum to another?
I have 2 XF license and have setup a new forum/site on the 2nd license and may want to move the post and users from my current XF license 1 to the new site.

Is that possible and is there any easy way, to do a mass import and then I can move the posts to the new forums and then remove any duplicate forums etc...

The only problem is I have the same username on both forums, will that cause any issues?

Use the import system available at Admin CP > Tools > Import External Data.

There is a XenForo importer (for XF 1.2 and above).

There is a system that will merge users which have matching usernames and email addresses.

Is it possible to move members and posts from one Xenforo forum to another?
I have 2 XF license and have setup a new forum/site on the 2nd license and may want to move the post and users from my current XF license 1 to the new site.

Is that possible and is there any easy way, to do a mass import and then I can move the posts to the new forums and then remove any duplicate forums etc...

The only problem is I have the same username on both forums, will that cause any issues?


Looking at the Importers list in Admin Panel, there is an importer for xf that would mean you can merge 2 forums together. As far as the usernames go, I think that the Importer will ask you to merge them. So I do not see any problem there.

I have done the transfer now, but have one other question.
During the transfer it asked for path to data and internal_data

Can I delete the folders, I used for the transfer and leave the standard ones, or do I need both?
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