XF Development - xf falling apart?

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I would certainly agree that you have a better picture of the market than I do. But, where I am uncertain is what the cause is- whether some products are not up to snuff (as you suggested), whether it is a pricing issue (either to high or to low), or it is just the volume of available licenses out there for XF (which could be an issue- and one that can creates a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy...if coders don't build add-ons that are quality and wanted, then maybe there are less XF purchasers. The problem then, is that it takes time to build a large enough critical mass of XF purchasers to make the add-on market a good business for coders; I don't think there would be an easy solution for this, if it is the issue. I think it would, in large part, just take time. However, I could see that the lack of communication from the developers working to hamper that growth in licenses. More interesting to me, though, would be how the add-on market has changed over the past year. Were things running along nicely at some point in the past and then dropped off? That might indicate a causal connection. However, if things have been slow from the start, well, that speaks to a likely need for that critical mass of license holders for coders to make a decent living).
Volume of XF licenses. Simple as that. After a release you get all the current users that need it buying it and then that's it. Maybe 1 sale per add-on a week. Resource manager how it is doesn't help. But it comes down the how many people use XenForo. And that number is very low. It is obviously growing but the rate is low because if IB being douches. It will pick up again and by that time my add-ons will be mature (in theory) and I will get money for not much work (also in theory). It's an investment for me that has left me broke for months. I do believe I will get at least some of this investment back.

To the OP. Meh you like drama, keep enjoying it. And the released demo was up there with the top 3 worst programmed things I have ever seen. It deserves all bashing. All this thread is accomplishing is feeding your need for drama. But keep trying to act innocent. Not reading this crap I have read over and over again for no reason anymore.
It would allow those looking for answers each passing day to spend their time with something more useful. And it would allow others to stop fretting about all the negativity. :)

TIL censoring people will ease their minds as they won't have an outlet for their complaints. Genius :p
The fixation on contact from KAM (really KM), confuses me. I only have vB to compare it to (I never really cared for IPB, so don't know how they operate). But, you have Jake, Slavik, and Lawrence posting here and sharing what they know. This is the same level of authoritative posting as you get at vB. At vB, I think the "developers" (whom I take to be Kevin Sours and maybe Edwin Brown- at least for the CMS) have not posted more than once or twice in years. There is no concrete information about plans (or even the current product- 125+ features?). So, you don't have any greater communication that is meaningful here. People just like (and, to be clear, I do, too) hearing from KM. But, there is no worse communication here than at vB (my opinion).

I know this went against Shelley's sentiment that discussion of competitors should not be happening and the focus should be on "fixing" things here. I understand the sentiment, I just think that it is fair to respond with a comparison when everyone seems to be in agreement that XF is a great product and the problem is with communication and notice of future development. In both categories, I think XF does a better job.

Could things be better here? Definitely! However, in my view, nothing has fallen apart.
Volume of XF licenses. Simple as that. After a release you get all the current users that need it buying it and then that's it. Maybe 1 sale per add-on a week. Resource manager how it is doesn't help. But it comes down the how many people use XenForo. And that number is very low. It is obviously growing but the rate is low because if IB being douches. It will pick up again and by that time my add-ons will be mature (in theory) and I will get money for not much work (also in theory). It's an investment for me that has left me broke for months. I do believe I will get at least some of this investment back.

To the OP. Meh you like drama, keep enjoying it. And the released demo was up there with the top 3 worst programmed things I have ever seen. It deserves all bashing. All this thread is accomplishing is feeding your need for drama. But keep trying to act innocent. Not reading this crap I have read over and over again for no reason anymore.

Your not trying to troll much are you Robbo? This isn't about drama, try hard facts and the state of the community. I was waiting for the first trolling post to come in and your it.

It's not drama when I'm giving my time freely now is it? I'm not begging for donations am I? It's a genuine concern about the state of this community and where it's heading. Try keeping your insults to your self Robbo this thread is obviously not for you.
I just found this thread after i tweeted following and i stand here with my tweet :

It is a shame #Xenforo keeps #vBulletin 5 bashing thread open while locking all Questions about missing developers and promised questions.

When Kier , Mike and Ashley was in charge or even Brogan , no one could post anything bad about vBulletin because it could effect Law Case. However now the amount of vBulletin bashing on Xenforo is incredible.

Yet nothing has been answered from KAM. Jake and Slavik created a thread , highly possible without KAM's knowledge and it is clear that nothing will be answered at all.
I agree that some news would be nice, but very disappointed by how you titled the thread, Shelley, and totally devoid of basis.

Not a thread title I would have ever thought I'd write. That said stick "community" After "XF" before "Apart" would be more accurate.

I know I set myself up by creating this thread, I'm prepared for any nonsense posts whether they are rude, abusive or otherwise but the focus should be repairing bridges and fixing this community injecting some normality/consistency as I sated previously. It'll take the devs to do that, so the thread was created.
What worries me most is that 'Brogan' said something on another forum to the effect of: if XF members knew what had happened, they would be very angry. When I first took a look at the XF forums, Brogan was the main man and staunchly defended the software, acting in an unpaid capacity in a role that KAM should have fulfilled.

Something has clearly happened, so no news is better than coming clean. :(

I really want XF to succeed, along with all the other users here... but we can't keep supporting a company that knowingly keeps us in the dark. Please KAM, if you read this thread, just come clean and let us know what the situation is (we're still waiting on the answers thread).
I agree that some news would be nice, but very disappointed by how you titled the thread, Shelley, and totally devoid of basis.
XF falling apart could mean different things to different people but i believe Shelly was referring to the community and not just the company.. after all community is very much a part of the company, unofficially.

And looking at how things stand today in XenForo, it is definitely not devoid of basis.
highly possible without KAM's knowledge
Lol. Mike was fiddling with the demo servers just last week, and not Jake's or Slavik's but Ashley's post is the last post on this subject.

See Shelley, you're unwittingly drawing trolls to the thread, with such titles that promise our hired 'friends' money from supporting their competing forums .

'Brogan' said something on another forum to the effect of
Yes and when he was pressed by those members to be more specific, he was shown to first have no facts whatsoever, and secondly show himself as a spreader of rumors directly aimed at damaging XF and undermining confidence wherever possible.
I just found this thread after i tweeted following and i stand here with my tweet :

It is a shame #Xenforo keeps #vBulletin 5 bashing thread open while locking all Questions about missing developers and promised questions.

When Kier , Mike and Ashley was in charge or even Brogan , no one could post anything bad about vBulletin because it could effect Law Case. However now the amount of vBulletin bashing on Xenforo is incredible.

Yet nothing has been answered from KAM. Jake and Slavik created a thread , highly possible without KAM's knowledge and it is clear that nothing will be answered at all.

Jake stated that Ashley had already drafted the answers, that was 3 (4 now?) weeks ago. I really don't want to sound like a jerk if he's having serious "family issues" but this is ridiculous and Brogan's continually hinting at stuff he won't say on other forums about the "single event" behind all of this. The questions were meant to stop all these rumours but I don't know how much longer they can go on like this.
What pisses me off is currently there is no single alternative for Big boards. I thought IPB would be but that thought immediately stopped as soon as i started a test conversion to IPB.
What pisses me off is currently there is no single alternative for Big boards. I thought IPB would be but that thought immediately stopped as soon as i started a test conversion to IPB.

Yep, XF have a superb product and a massive market and they're screwing it up :-(
Yes and when he was pressed by those members to be more specific, he was shown to first have no facts whatsoever
I have all the facts, I have just chosen not to publish them.
The responsibility lies with the company owners to explain to their customers what the situation is.
I tried to get Ashley to do so and when he chose not to, I quit.

and secondly show himself as a spreader of rumors directly aimed at damaging XF and undermining confidence wherever possible
I have already made it clear that I am not the source of the rumours and have asked everyone attributing them to me to stop doing so.

In future try and get your own facts correct before criticising others.

You are no different to the majority of people here in which you really are clueless as to what has gone and still is going on.

As for the OP, couldn't agree more.
Lol. Mike was fiddling with the demo servers just last week, and not Jake's or Slavik's but Ashley's post is the last post on this subject.

See Shelley, you're unwittingly drawing trolls to the thread, with such titles that promise our hired 'friends' money from supporting their competing forums .

Yes and when he was pressed by those members to be more specific, he was shown to first have no facts whatsoever, and secondly show himself as a spreader of rumors directly aimed at damaging XF and undermining confidence wherever possible.

Speaking of facts, are you ready to supply any regarding your constant claims that Internet Brands and Invision Power are paying people to troll here?
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