XF 2.3 / 3.0 release date

Guessing that version 2.2.14 isn't far away from being released?
Will be great to get that as a lead up to whenever 2.3 is actually released
Guessing that version 2.2.14 isn't far away from being released?
Will be great to get that as a lead up to whenever 2.3 is actually released
Actually, I have not seen any fixed bugs being tagged with 2.2.14 recently (Looking back, I see at least one in September) so no real sign of it coming yet. Usually there's a wave of them right before a maintenance release.
Actually, I have not seen any fixed bugs being tagged with 2.2.14 recently (Looking back, I see at least one in September) so no real sign of it coming yet. Usually there's a wave of them right before a maintenance release.
I've seen plenty.
Not just maintenance releases. But plenty of bugs.
They don't need to be tagged with a future version unless they are only for a specific version.

In general, fixed bugs will be included in the next release.

Although Jeremy didn't explicitly state it, all the ones he processed today will be in 2.2.14.
That’s handy to know. Thanks for the heads up.
Is this the normal amount of bug fixes after release?

If we define "normal" as usual, common practice:

As far as I can tell, today it is normal to just push new versions without proper (beta) testing. Let the customers do the real testing, on their production stuff, then provide patches (including any security vulnerability patches).

XenForo does the testing on their own forum, and seems to be taking as much care as can be remotely-reasonably expected to produce a good, bug-free software (without charging an arm and a leg for it, though it's fair to say that XenForo "is good, period" - not that it's just "good for the price").

Is this the normal amount of bug fixes after release?
Think of it as though you have your steak.
You can have it raw, it might be too chewy and it might not taste right.
You can have it medium rare where it might be just right for you but needs to be tender.
Or you could have it well done and tender.
The tender appearance is what xenforo are after.
Think of it as though you have your steak.
You can have it raw, it might be too chewy and it might not taste right.
You can have it medium rare where it might be just right for you but needs to be tender.
Or you could have it well done and tender.
The tender appearance is what xenforo are after.
This seems pretty stable to me, but I am glad they are working on it meticulously. Presumably this new upgrade will be the launchpad for 3.0 which will also have an updated interface. The worst thing you can do with bulletin board software is rush it out the door, as I learned a long time ago from ahem.. Another brand.
This seems pretty stable to me, but I am glad they are working on it meticulously. Presumably this new upgrade will be the launchpad for 3.0 which will also have an updated interface. The worst thing you can do with bulletin board software is rush it out the door, as I learned a long time ago from ahem.. Another brand.
It seems to be nearly ready to be released.
The worst thing you can do with bulletin board software is rush it out the door, as I learned a long time ago from ahem.. Another brand.
That's true.

I remember years ago, some video game got released before it was finished hence it had so many problems that it barely worked. The developer then released patches until they fixed the problems and it finally became a useable product. Its reputation was seriously damaged from this, unsurprisingly.

I can't remember which game it was now and it's one I wasn't interested in, but it was a big software house.
That's true.

I remember years ago, some video game got released before it was finished hence it had so many problems that it barely worked. The developer then released patches until they fixed the problems and it finally became a useable product. Its reputation was seriously damaged from this, unsurprisingly.

I can't remember which game it was now and it's one I wasn't interested in, but it was a big software house.
Cyberpunk? Fallout?
Was most likely Cyberpunk, before that were many more. The lay of the land with video games since live patches were introduced, games didn't/don't have to be fully done or fully qa'ed anymore when you can use your huge playerbase to qa it for you and then patch after.
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