Duplicate XF 2.1.6 + Importer 1.3.0 vb4 Broken


Affected version
XF 2.1.6 XFI 1.3.0
I managed to successfully migrate from VB4 to XF 2.1.5 and importer 1.2.5 to my test system.

Went to migrate to live today, upgraded to 2.1.6 and importer 1.3.0 but the importer shows a blank screen once the sql info has been entered.

It validates the entered data is correct as I deliberately put in some bad credentials, but on the screen where it should give you the options of what to import, it is blank, opened up Chrome console and it says off the top of my head an error in domain.com/js/ core something or other with button validate (helpful I know) so I installed 2.1.5 on the live setup and it works. I should have grabbed a screenshot but was more focused on the migration.

I tried 2.1.6 with importer 1.2.5 but the same happens, so it's definitely related to the 2.1.6 upgrade.
This is related to this:
You can fix this yourself by downloading a couple of files. See this post:

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