Lack of interest XF 2.0 - Use Zend Framework 2

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If a migration to XF2 happens, I suspect it will be a slow migration. ZF1 and ZF2 might as well be completely different frameworks, as everything will need to be rewritten. ZF1 & ZF2 *can* coexist at the same time though... so maybe would be something like new stuff build on ZF2 and old stuff slowly migrated as needed.
ZF1 and ZF2 might as well be completely different frameworks, as everything will need to be rewritten. ZF1 & ZF2 *can* coexist at the same time though... so maybe would be something like new stuff build on ZF2 and old stuff slowly migrated as needed.

... or just move to Laravel or something :p

(Seriously though, XenForo plugins as Composer packages would be kinda nice!)
If a migration to XF2 happens, I suspect it will be a slow migration. ZF1 and ZF2 might as well be completely different frameworks, as everything will need to be rewritten. ZF1 & ZF2 *can* coexist at the same time though... so maybe would be something like new stuff build on ZF2 and old stuff slowly migrated as needed.
Migration to XF2 for addons, or? XF is only loosely reliant on ZF1, not sure how hard it would be just to turn the core into namespaced ZF2-like code.
1.2 was practically 2.0 with the amount of features it has in it.
I hope 1.3 will be as packed as 1.2 is. As far as the ZF2 is concerned: I hope KAM will cross that bridge when the time comes. I really doubt an incremental rewrite is a good idea. That tends to get messy.
1.2 was practically 2.0 with the amount of features it has in it.
I hope 1.3 will be as packed as 1.2 is. As far as the ZF2 is concerned: I hope KAM will cross that bridge when the time comes. I really doubt an incremental rewrite is a good idea. That tends to get messy.
I would say 1.5 would be more appropriate. First digit version bump IMO should only be reserved for major platform upgrades (like this one)

Because of how well-formed the current code is, I doubt there will be any trouble for them to migrate to namespaced code - it's almost just replacing the underscores with backslashes :D
ZF2 should be used in XenForo 2 because of its use of namepaces (I shouldn't need to mention the benefits). There are also new things, but what I care most at the moment is that I hate having to write long class names.

Also, ZF1 is going to be EOL in a year.
You should because not everyone is as experienced and knowledgeable as you. Please break it down for us who don't know.
You should because not everyone is as experienced and knowledgeable as you. Please break it down for us who don't know.

From StackOverflow:


ZF1 is based on MVC , ZF2 is based on MOVE. Huge difference. MOVE = Model Operations Views Events , MVC = Models Views Controllers. More here. Zend Framework 2 uses 100% object-oriented code and utilises most of the new features of PHP 5.3, namely namespaces, late static binding, lambda functions and closures. source

Size of installation

The latest ZF1 file is approx 30Mb and ZF2 is approx 2.5Mb (Zipped).


ZF1 is core set of libraries and very loosely coupled architecture (with respect to its competitor/player - CakePHP). ZF1 does not require much of 'gems' (as in ruby) but, can do better with plugins. ZF2 requires you to know about composer - phar and soon it may out-match any other framework. New concept : Dependency Injection for Zend fans.


Certification is available only for ZF1, however, there are rumours about their talks for ZF2 certs though training material is available online.


classname in ZF1 was Zend_Db_Table for class in Zend/Db/Table.php whereas in ZF2, it is class My\Auth\Adapter . Enough said.


ZF1 was backed by Zend Technologies (and few other, unnamed). ZF2 has remarkable supporters including Google and Microsoft. Source here

This may also help if you have a little knowledge of how the back-end works:
The first rule of XenForo is don't talk about XenForo.
The second rule is to refer to rule 1.

There's no point in speculating about future versions ;)

There is no point having an off topic forum either. Lets lock this forum down so it is strictly business and related to xenForo and the current version out. Only authorized created threads by moderators on future versions are allowed.

I can play this game all day long ;)
Im still in the process of moving over my VB sites to XF 1.2. I cant stomach a XF re-write in the next year where current addons wont function without major re-work.
Im still in the process of moving over my VB sites to XF 1.2. I cant stomach a XF re-write in the next year where current addons wont function without major re-work.

I can, as long as the community is still active and updating. Which I don't see that being a problem at all.
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