XenScripts WordPress to XenForo Bridge [Paid] [Deleted]

It takes over and replaces the wordpress comment system... is that possible?

XenScripts has a comment handler file which takes over the WordPress comment system. The other day someone was working on getting XS to work with their theme. I took the idea and made some modifications: Comment Evolved for WordPress and Jetpack to work nicely with XenScripts and XenForo can all play well together (with code changes).

XenScripts has a comment handler file which takes over the WordPress comment system. The other day someone was working on getting XS to work with their theme. I took the idea and made some modifications: Comment Evolved for WordPress and Jetpack to work nicely with XenScripts and XenForo can all play well together (with code changes).


hmmm lets say i only want to use the xf comments? is that possible? if it is, can i see a screen shot of how that would look? i tried registering on your site but it wouldn't let me.

also, how about the thread of the post, i dont want it accessible through xf, just through the blog... but i want the blog to use xf for comments... get me?
hmmm lets say i only want to use the xf comments? is that possible? if it is, can i see a screen shot of how that would look?

XenScripts takes over the WP Comments. So coding the theme so only XF comments should be possible but I have not tried it. It would be a matter of changing the theme files.

also, how about the thread of the post, i dont want it accessible through xf, just through the blog... but i want the blog to use xf for comments... get me?

Hmm. If I'm understanding what you are asking - no. If you want XF to handle comments then that thread would need to be accessible.

i tried registering on your site but it wouldn't let me.

Interesting. The error stated Tiaga Chat interfered even though it was disabled. Uninstalled TC and registration now works. Sorry - hadn't even looked after the upgrade to 1.2 RC.
just registered and commented, works! it did seem to take a little long tho, on the submitting of the comment and then showing the comment...

since i have to leave the thread accessible, if i was to set up a redirect on the blog post thread to go to the blog post, would commenting still work?
just registered and commented, works! it did seem to take a little long tho, on the submitting of the comment and then showing the comment...

Did you go through WP or XF side?

since i have to leave the thread accessible, if i was to set up a redirect on the blog post thread to go to the blog post, would commenting still work?

I think that would be a mess but it's a guess.
also, can i customize the look of the comments?

Actually, I started messing around with the styling the other day to see if I could could get comments on the WP side to look like the XF thread. This would be up to someone's skill - beyond mine ;)
Is this mod still supported guys? We are planning to upgrade to XF v1.2 soon and have this bridge installed for our WP blog but seeing that at xenscripts' forum people are crying for help without a single reply from the mod author it starts to worry me a little.

Our wordpress bridge is still on v1.1 and I haven't seen a single update for it since april 2012.
seeing that at xenscripts' forum people are crying for help without a single reply from the mod author it starts to worry me a little.

I don't know of anyone with the script who is crying for help on that forum or here.

I haven't seen a single update for it since april 2012.

Updates can be messy so if an installation is working then it should be left alone. So many people have unique installations that making changes could cause other issues.

Here is the changelog.

Updated functions to be compatible with WP 3.6
Changed coding style to match WordPress PHP Coding Standards
New XenScripts WordPress Admin panel (Incomplete)
Changed location of XenScripts options to /admin folder
Added /images to hold png files for Admin panel
Added defined( 'ABSPATH' ) OR exit; to files
Renamed XF_User_Data.php to xf_user_data.php
Created xf_branding_footer.php
Changed Plugin Name to better find plugin in WP admin panel
Added Capabilities: create_products, delete_themes, export, manage_network, manage_sites, manage_network_users, manage_network_themes, manage_network_options
The id message was added to xf_settings pages; Class error replaced class message for database not updating

Updated user functions to be compatible with WP 3.5.1
Removed duplicate files in /include
Cleaned up code in select files for future features
Added PHPDoc style page-level DocBlocks to files
New code to TRIM WordPress blog postings placed in the XenForo Community
Changed function xenforo_thread_url
Changed get_currentuserinfo()

Released April 11, 2012

Released September 10, 2011
Is this mod still supported guys? We are planning to upgrade to XF v1.2 soon and have this bridge installed for our WP blog but seeing that at xenscripts' forum people are crying for help without a single reply from the mod author it starts to worry me a little.

Our wordpress bridge is still on v1.1 and I haven't seen a single update for it since april 2012.

I purchased this mod last week and emailed the author with some support questions. He replied promptly and couldn't have been more helpful.
I've been trying to hunt down the issue with WP posts having different IDs from the author. This is a rather wild one - appears on some sites and not on others. In multisite - appears on some blogs and not on others.

To help, I added some code to the /xf_integration/admin/xf_readme.php file.

XenScripts Readme 2013-07-27 13-30-22.webp

Same user, logged in to a different blog on multisite

XenScripts Readme 2013-07-27 13-40-57.webp

Notice that different roles are being assigned ... strange eh?

Place the following between function xsmenu_readme() and echo " <pre ...

  global $current_user, $wp_roles;

   echo "<div class='wrap'>";
   screen_icon( 'plugins' );

   echo "<h2>XenScripts: A WordPress and XenForo Bridge</h2>" ;
   echo '<div style="float:right; margin-right: 20px; padding: 10px; border:solid 1px #ccc;">';
   echo('<strong>User Information</strong><br />');

  echo 'Login Username: ' . $current_user->user_login . '<br />';
  echo 'User email: ' . $current_user->user_email . '<br />';
  echo 'User first name: ' . $current_user->user_firstname . '<br />';
  echo 'User last name: ' . $current_user->user_lastname . '<br />';
  echo 'User display name: ' . $current_user->display_name . '<br />';
  echo 'User ID: ' . $current_user->ID . '<br />';
  echo '<br /><br /><strong>Role Information:</strong> <br />';

   foreach ( $wp_roles->role_names as $role => $name ) :

     if ( current_user_can( $role ) )
       echo 'This user has a role of ' . $role . '<br />';

   echo '</div>';

   echo('<br /><strong>Plugin Information</strong><br />');

   // Print the plugin version
   echo "The installed version of XenScripts is ";
   $xs_ver = new XenScripts();
   print $xs_ver->xs_version;
   echo "<br />XenScripts has been tested up to WordPress ";
   print $xs_ver->xs_wp_maximum;

It isn't pretty but gets more information to the logged in users.
Last edited:
I don't know of anyone with the script who is crying for help on that forum or here.

Updates can be messy so if an installation is working then it should be left alone. So many people have unique installations that making changes could cause other issues.
So which of these versions should be used for bridging WP3.5.2 and XF1.2? And where can I download it from?
So which of these versions should be used for bridging WP3.5.2 and XF1.2? And where can I download it from?

Jamie is the author of this plugin and is the only one who can distribute the script. His email is at the bottom of the xenscripts.com/buy page.
question, when adding a post to wp it automatically creates a thread on xf correct? all wp posts have to go in 1 xf forum or can they be set to go to different forums depending on the wp category? if not, can the thread be moved to another forum once its posted and still work as the wp post discussion?

thanks in advance!
can they be set to go to different forums depending on the wp category?

Settings are done by category. Each category may point to a different forum.

can the thread be moved to another forum once its posted and still work as the wp post discussion?

Threads may be moved and merged.
Settings are done by category. Each category may point to a different forum.

Threads may be moved and merged.
awesome! thanks...

have u had a chance to try the xf comments by itself? i just want to make sure that works b4 i buy...
awesome! thanks...

have u had a chance to try the xf comments by itself? i just want to make sure that works b4 i buy...

This would be a WP theme adjustment by removing or commenting out the WP comment form.
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