XenScripts WordPress to XenForo Bridge [Paid] [Deleted]

After upgrade to 1.2.5 I have a problem with showing comment. When I choose both:
Replace the Wordpress comment system with the XenForo one
and Display comments in WordPress
No comment shows on WP page
When I choose only
Display comments in WordPress
Comments show on WP page but it does not shows comments those made from Xenforo.
Yeah I was here to report two bugs
  • Comments made from XF do not show up
  • Horribly irritating bug that posts deleted from xenforo still show up in the recent posts sidebar widget. Cannot manage spam at all due to this.
What version of your xenscripts please? I have 1.2.5 but some one said there is 1.3 already

No, I have version 1.3 alpha. Alpha code is not public and unreleased. This code was given to Jamie who will work through things as bugs are reported.

@sweetpotato - let me ask for clarification - are you saying a WordPress post or page?

@Renegade deleted posts showing up in a sidebar has nothing to do with this plugin. Someone must have written a sidebar plugin for you, so you'll want to look at that code to figure out why it is pulling deleted posts.

Both of you may want to contact Jamie and have him look at your configurations because "comments made from XF do not show up" is way too general. He'll need to know WP version, XF version, configurations, etc.

Sorry but I have professional development and will be on and off through July 21. My vacation officially ends in 17 minutes :)
Comments not show on wp post. Comment made on wp not show on xf and vice versa.
I use xf 1.2 b 3 and wp 3.5.2

You enabled Disqus which overrides the WP Comment system. There are a few options.

1. Do not use the Disqus WP plugin. Instead, add the universal code into a WP child theme.
2. Disable Disqus and change to Google+ Comments for WordPress. This allows Disqus and more to show.
I am using XF 1.1.4 and WP3.5.2

The deleted posts is showing up even on the default WP sidebar widget.
I am using XF 1.1.4 and WP3.5.2
The deleted posts is showing up even on the default WP sidebar widget.

I believe you are asking about something unrelated to this plugin or you enabled something intentionally disabled. But I cannot look right now and this is just not enough information for me. Please provide a link to your site and I'll take a look after I return from work (approximately 8 hours from now).
You enabled Disqus which overrides the WP Comment system. There are a few options.

1. Do not use the Disqus WP plugin. Instead, add the universal code into a WP child theme.
2. Disable Disqus and change to Google+ Comments for WordPress. This allows Disqus and more to show.
I don't use disqus. I use xenscripts on other site not cyberim.com. I will give you the links when you have time.
Is this add-on compatible with 1.2? Also is there a tentative timeline on when will the next release likely be?
I'm looking for a plugin that will automatically create XenForo threads for my WordPress posts and link to the discussion threads. I'm running WordPress 3.5.1. Should this work for me at the moment? I just know this plugin has a shoddy history of not being updated and I wanted to confirm that it's currently in working condition for this specific use case.

Is this add-on compatible with 1.2?

I have been gone the past two weeks and just returned tonight. I have a version running with 1.2 beta.

Also is there a tentative timeline on when will the next release likely be?

Since there is no timeline for WordPress 3.6 or 1.2 then this cannot be answered.
I'm looking for a plugin that will automatically create XenForo threads for my WordPress posts and link to the discussion threads. I'm running WordPress 3.5.1. Should this work for me at the moment?

It is impossible to know if it will work for you because everyone has different configurations and plugins installed. Yes, it works on many installs.
Since there is no timeline for WordPress 3.6 or 1.2 then this cannot be answered.
Are you saying that this new version is compatible only with WP3.6?

Both XF and WP are in RC1 phase so I don't see any dependency on their release dates.
I can't even manage to download this software. What am I missing? I purchased my license and clicked the "go back to xxxx@gmail.com" - it took me to this page. Now the "download your purchases" button just goes back to /buy. The /buy page is exactly the same and hasn't changed.

Any help?

2013-07-20 09_17_31-Program Manager.webp
Sorry. I'm not the author of this plugin but at the bottom of the /buy page is his email address. You should email him so you can get the software.
Done. I appreciate how quickly you're responding even though you have no obligation to.
All I have done is activate the plugin and give it the directory of my forum which is /forum

I now get a blank page across my site that says "Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::has_prop() in /home3/steqheu/public_html/wp-includes/user.php on line 245"

Which direction should I take to maybe resolve this? All that I want to use is the part of the plugin that creates wordpress discussion threads for each post and links to them. I know how to disable the plugin completely, so I'm not worried. Just wondering if @LPH has any thoughts here.
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