

No permission to download
If the issue happens on our demo it's a bug.
Where is your demo with both the current version and the prior version, so that I can screenshot and demonstrate to you?

Check xenith the parent as well on your own board.
Yes, same problem with un-edited/un-modified Xenith parent style.

It is not a bug, and it's an effect we cannot control.
Two people (so far), same issue. Likely to be a change/bug made to the style.
154.webp 156.webp

The top is, bottom

One key difference is that the space was tightened up slightly (the tablinks moved up a bit), but besides this, flipping through tab to tab, the headers line up about the same. There is some extra space on the tablinks, a bug I noted and will fix. But bug is a tough word...
I'm still on 1.5.4 and I'm having a problem where in the Thread List View, the "Replies" stat is showing, but the "Views" stat is not showing.

No Views.webp

I went into the setting on our test site (which is a recent clone of our live site) and changed the vertical padding for the list view from 10px back to the default 20px and then also removed the Last Post Avatar. This resolved the issue such that the "Views" stat started showing on the test site. I then did the same on the live site, but for some reason this didn't fix it there.

Below is a screenshot of our current UI.X Threads settings on the live site.
Threads Settings Xenith.webp
Anyone know how to make nodes 100% width on mobile?


I wanna remove the grey space either side.
Also, I cannot center the logo no matter what I try.
Okay, logo is centered and I almost have it how I want. Just this spacing problem here...


Any idea how to fix?
Anyone know how to make nodes 100% width on mobile?
Try adding this to: Your child style > Style Properties: Responsive Design > Responsive Page Width (Narrow) > Miscellaneous
padding: 0 !important;
margin: 0 !important;


Only issue is this also affects the header/logo and thread titles with no padding, most likely there's a more elegant way.
Is there a way to have bold titles like we do in the stock XF style for unread threads? Add on Releases   XenForo Community.webp

Additionally, I'm playing with Xenith version 1.5.6, and I am seeing that in the sticky nav bar, the tabs are sitting off center on the vertical axis, where as they used to be right in the middle on the vertical axis.

This is before: Screenshot 2016-03-25 at 6.25.23 PM.webp

This is now:Screenshot 2016-03-25 at 6.25.54 PM.webp
The top is, bottom

One key difference is that the space was tightened up slightly (the tablinks moved up a bit), but besides this, flipping through tab to tab, the headers line up about the same. There is some extra space on the tablinks, a bug I noted and will fix. But bug is a tough word...
You can see multiple key differences there, as I've already outlined;
  • Main navigation - the spacing between each is wider. Just look at how further to the right 'Members' is in v1.5.6 compared to v1.5.4. This causes major issues for those with 6+ main navigation items, and them now being within an elipse (...) menu on desktop and out-of-sight.
  • Moderator bar - same, width between items has been increased.
  • If you navigation style ( style-properties&group=uix_navigation ) = 'float logo next to navigation', there is considerable impact from "tightening up slightly of tablinks" as per screenshot in https://xenforo.com/community/threads/xenith-paid.100756/page-31#post-1049609
So far, so good on our site. I haven't noticed anything glaring yet but I'm sure our users will let me know if there's something not working correctly.

We have two themes and it seems I cannot dismiss the notice to update the one we no longer use (Rogue). Is there an easy way to do this?
I wanna remove the grey space either side.
Also, I cannot center the logo no matter what I try.

Did @Optic 's advice help? I wasn't sure what you meant.

Okay, logo is centered and I almost have it how I want. Just this spacing problem here...


Any idea how to fix?

Depends on page style, nav style, logo style, etc. Hard to tell.

Is there a way to have bold titles like we do in the stock XF style for unread threads?

Yes, under Discussion List style properties.
Screen Shot 2016-03-26 at 4.34.46 PM.webp

Additionally, I'm playing with Xenith version 1.5.6, and I am seeing that in the sticky nav bar, the tabs are sitting off center on the vertical axis, where as they used to be right in the middle on the vertical axis.

This is before:

This is now:

Hard to tell, but it doesn't do this on our demo.

  • Main navigation - the spacing between each is wider. Just look at how further to the right 'Members' is in v1.5.6 compared to v1.5.4. This causes major issues for those with 6+ main navigation items, and them now being within an elipse (...) menu on desktop and out-of-sight.
  • Moderator bar - same, width between items has been increased.

I've taken a look at this. We did change how we do margins, and I'd agree it can be better, so just did some tweaks on my end.

If you navigation style ( style-properties&group=uix_navigation ) = 'float logo next to navigation', there is considerable impact from "tightening up slightly of tablinks" as per screenshot in https://xenforo.com/community/threads/xenith-paid.100756/page-31#post-1049609

I don't have this issue on my demo, but it could be related to the fix I did.

@Mike Creuzer Can you say something about this ?

Oh sure, sorry for missing these just had a baby born. :) Message me with your email and Ill send you the license.

We have two themes and it seems I cannot dismiss the notice to update the one we no longer use (Rogue). Is there an easy way to do this?

Sadly, no. We could technically remove it from your account. But this is a flaw with the alert system in the add-on. Our new site we will support ignoring themes. For now, you just have to dismiss the notice when we do updates, I apologize. Or you can turn off notices period in the Options.
Thanks. ETA for (re)release?
Im finished with it. But just so you know it might not be perfect how it was in your last release.

When you use one of our products, its a bit of a leap I know, but you have to have faith that we make improvements for the better. Sometimes we change things (sometimes for the worse, which is a bug), but they won't always line up pixel perfect. I hope this makes sense.

We've been giving it some thought to essentially never upgrading the UI.X version on a product. Because this is typically where these nuance changes and minor bugs come from. So when we release a product, thats the version of UI.X it gets stuck with. And that is the rock and hard place position we're in.
When you use one of our products, its a bit of a leap I know, but you have to have faith that we make improvements for the better. Sometimes we change things (sometimes for the worse, which is a bug), but they won't always line up pixel perfect. I hope this makes sense.
No problems when its for the better - that's why we pay/renew the style :) It's when it's for the detriment, that I'm concerned - such as this example when increasing the horizontal margin on main navigation causing the loss the menu items into the 'hamburger' menu, even on desktops. Whether (re)released, or an instruction on style property to change, so that the detriment is removed, I'm happy.

Im finished with it.
It will be (re)released shortly, or I can already download it with the fix?
No problems when its for the better - that's why we pay/renew the style :) It's when it's for the detriment, that I'm concerned - such as this example when increasing the horizontal margin on main navigation causing the loss the menu items into the 'hamburger' menu, even on desktops. Whether (re)released, or an instruction on style property to change, so that the detriment is removed, I'm happy.

It never is intended to be to the detriment, its just we miss some things. Honestly there are tens of thousands of things that can go wrong, and we typically only miss a few. I do want to be more responsive but we're stacked with 12 people as is. But we are growing and with growth we will be able to offer a higher quality.

It will be (re)released shortly, or I can already download it with the fix?

Ill see about a release early next week. Just have to package it up.
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