

No permission to download
So I uploaded the contents of the "Upload" as instructed. I then selected the appropriate XML file, and for some reason I get this error: The provided file is not an add-on XML file.
Are we trying to install a style as an addon? The latest addon for UI.X can be downloaded from client area, if not already installed and latest.
Mike Creuzer updated Xenith with a new update entry:

Huge Update

Read the rest of this update entry...
Later on today I'll put a fresh install of all required elements as default and go from there.
I may edit this post vs creating a new one.
files inside js/audentio/xenith/ have wrong permisisons, and only readable by owner. I have to 'chmod 755 js/audentio/xenith/*' to stop a big notice box complaining javascript was missing
I just tried it and I don't have any problem at all. Mine are all set to 644 and it always way that way before.
zero size files with name of "Icon" in each of the directories within the .zip file
I confim it exists but I have to say that I installed Xenith 1.5.6 with the UI.X addon from within my board and this file is not here :D
  • sub-navigation and modearator/admin bar have both moved, and are no longer placed correctly. Main navigation items have larger horizontal spacing between them ...

For this point I can't really tell :/ My board is heavily customized, I don't even have the navbar anymore to check if everything is still at the place xD (by design, this is not a bug)
@Mike Creuzer - what's with the zero size files with name of "Icon" in each of the directories within the .zip file?

I just tried it and I don't have any problem at all. Mine are all set to 644 and it always way that way before.

I confim it exists but I have to say that I installed Xenith 1.5.6 with the UI.X addon from within my board and this file is not here :D

I can assume its just the program used to compile theme files.

Edit: They show up for me using latest WinSCP. Harmless, but still. :(


    //put jquery code here


    uix.debug = function() {
        result = "\n\n############============   Begin Copying Here   ============############\n\n";
        result += "Error: the functions file was not found.";
        result += "\n\n############============   End Copying Here   ============############\n\n";


<script src="js/audentio/xenith/functions.min.js?_v=b532c5ac_1.5.6.0"></script>
    uix.adminJsError = function(errMsg) {

            if (parseInt('1')) {
                var errorEle = document.createElement("div");
                errorEle.innerHTML = '<div class="uix_upgradeMessage importantMessage"><i class="uix_icon uix_icon-alerts"></i>' + errMsg.split('\n').join('<br />') + '</div>';
                var contentPage = $('#content .pageContent');
                if (contentPage.length) {


    uix.fixJsVisibility = function() {
        var userBar = $('.hasJs #userBar');
        var nodeList = $('.hasJs #forums, .hasJs .category_view .nodeList, .hasJs .watch_forums .nodeList');
        var panels = $('.js-uix_panels')
        if (userBar.length) userBar.css('display', 'block');
        if (nodeList.length) nodeList.css('visibility', 'visible');
        if (panels.length) $('.js-uix_panels').removeClass('needsInit');

    uix.catchJsError = function(err) {
        console.log("\n\n############============   Begin Copying Here   ============############\n\n")
        var errMsg = "Uh Oh!  It looks like there's an error in your page's javascript.  There will likely be significant issues with the use of the forum until this is corrected.  If you are unable to resolve this and believe it is due to a bug in your Audentio Design theme, contact Audentio support and include a copy of the text between the designated areas from your javascript console.  This is the error: \n\n" + err ;
        try {
        } catch (err) {
            console.log("Unable to include uix.debug();");

        console.log("\n\n############============   End Copying Here   ============############\n\n");

        if (typeof(audentio) === 'undefined') {
            var errMsg = 'Uh Oh!  It looks like the javascript for your theme was not found in /js/audentio/xenith/.\n\n';
            if (uix.jsGlobal) {
                errMsg += 'Your forum is set to use the same javascript directory for all your themes.  Consider disabling this or modifying the directory.  Options are located under Options > [UI.X] General.\n\n'
            } else {
                errMsg += 'Your theme has set the location of its javascript directory.  You may need to modify the javascript directory location style property located under [UI.X] Global Settings > Javascript Path.\n\n'
            errMsg += 'If your files are in the directory specified, ensure that your file permissions allow them to be read.  There will likely be significant issues with the use of the forum until this is corrected.  If you are unable to resolve this, contact Audentio support.  This error has also been logged to the javascript console.';


        } else if (uix.jsHeadVersion != uix.jsVersion) {
            var errMsg = 'Uh Oh! It looks like the version of your javascript functions file does not match the version of your page_container_js_head template.  \n\nYour javascript functions file is version "' + uix.jsVersion + '". \nYour page_container_js_head is version "' + uix.jsHeadVersion + '".  \n\nIf your functions file version number is higher, ensure that you have merged all templates (especially page_container_js_head).  If your page_container_js_head version number is higher, ensure that you have correctly uploaded the latest version of the javascript functions file and that you have cleared anything that could cache an old version of the javascript (CDN / Cloudflare / etc.). \n\nThis issue could cause parts of your forum to not display or function correctly.  If this does not resolve the issue contact Audentio support.  This error has also been logged to the javascript console.';

Why is this? Of course general public do not view source. I have seen this on every site running UI.X although there is not an issue. Example: view-source for http://forums.themehouse.com

Edit: I have noticed on page load there is a pixel or 2 at top of page before it loads?
Last edited:
Issue found with [TH] Login as User. When the list of potential user is too long, an other scrollbar appears and tbh, it's ugly :P

So I uploaded the contents of the "Upload" as instructed. I then selected the appropriate XML file, and for some reason I get this error: The provided file is not an add-on XML file.

Do a force update, its possible you downloaded the zip as it was being uploaded. It happened to me once as I was packaging, then I reuploaded and it worked for me.

Hey Mike, what version is your demo running? I though the last version was just fine. Thanks for working on improvements!

It is running latest 1.5.6 now. And thank you for showing some love! :)

@Mike Creuzer - what's with the zero size files with name of "Icon" in each of the directories within the .zip file?

We moved to Google Drive since the repos at bitbucket/github arent large enough. Ill look into removing these asap.

Templates - only PAGE_CONTAINER and sidebar_visitor_panel didn't automatically merge
  • PAGE_CONTAINER merged fine manually, by resolving from parent
  • sidebar_visitor_panel required manual intervention, resolving from parent still giving an error. I had to remove a spurious "</xen:if>" still remaining

Merging is not something we have control over, it has to do (typically) with edits that was made to the theme, not the theme itself. Sometimes XenForo doesn't know how to merge code, there is nothing we can do about this but suggest minimal editing if you don't want to merge.

files inside js/audentio/xenith/ have wrong permisisons, and only readable by owner. I have to 'chmod 755 js/audentio/xenith/*' to stop a big notice box complaining javascript was missing

I believe @kylerc is looking into this issue now and will update our compile script.

zero size files with name of "Icon" in each of the directories within the .zip file

We are also making a script to remove this for you, and also one to fix our compile script.

sub-navigation and modearator/admin bar have both moved, and are no longer placed correctly. Main navigation items have larger horizontal spacing between them ...

This I'm not able to replicate, did you change your page style?

Edit: I have noticed on page load there is a pixel or 2 at top of page before it loads?

That is the old version, such is what we are running on themehouse currently (not for long, will update shortly)

Issue found with [TH] Login as User. When the list of potential user is too long, an other scrollbar appears and tbh, it's ugly :p


That add-on is a pain, but will take a look :)
Do a force update, its possible you downloaded the zip as it was being uploaded. It happened to me once as I was packaging, then I reuploaded and it worked for me.

It is running latest 1.5.6 now. And thank you for showing some love! :)

We moved to Google Drive since the repos at bitbucket/github arent large enough. Ill look into removing these asap.

Merging is not something we have control over, it has to do (typically) with edits that was made to the theme, not the theme itself. Sometimes XenForo doesn't know how to merge code, there is nothing we can do about this but suggest minimal editing if you don't want to merge.

I believe @kylerc is looking into this issue now and will update our compile script.

We are also making a script to remove this for you, and also one to fix our compile script.

This I'm not able to replicate, did you change your page style?

That is the old version, such is what we are running on themehouse currently (not for long, will update shortly)

That add-on is a pain, but will take a look :)
I only noticed it on a fresh install using latest of everything. Also, https://usaclash.com is updated with latest of everything. Its both a test site and a live site since it is rarely used.
Install of the (old) version did not portrait the pixel on top of page at load. Both fresh test site and or any other I have used. However, do not notice it at the moment only after install. Cache, maybe. Comes and goes. Is updating fontawesome to the latest not default implementation of styles? The pixel on top of page when loading seems to show once logged in as user.
Last edited:
I only noticed it on a fresh install using latest of everything. Also, https://usaclash.com is updated with latest of everything. Its both a test site and a live site since it is rarely used.
Install of the (old) version did not portrait the pixel on top of page at load. Both fresh test site and or any other I have used. However, do not notice it at the moment only after install. Cache, maybe.
If its still an issue create a ticket with login credentials and Ill pop in and fix it :)
No. As you can see from the screenshots, there is a difference between Xenith 1-5-4-0 and 1-5-6-0.
Would you be able to send me a demo, I do not have this on my demo. Sorry for the trouble.


  • Screen Shot 2016-03-17 at 2.40.16 PM.webp
    Screen Shot 2016-03-17 at 2.40.16 PM.webp
    77.3 KB · Views: 19
The post pagination feature in Xenith is great, however there is one problem. When you get to the end of a page, and hit the arrow again, you are taken to the next page, which is great, however it would be optimal if on the next page you landed on the first post of that page, rather than at the top. The way it seems to be right now, you land at the top and have to move your mouse cursor again to find the arrow. Ideally you should be able to just click away. Also, I would suggest adding the option to include post pagination in mobile. Assuming it can't fit in the navbar, I think it would be more useful to have that in the bottom right than the two arrows that currently sit there.
The post pagination feature in Xenith is great, however there is one problem. When you get to the end of a page, and hit the arrow again, you are taken to the next page, which is great, however it would be optimal if on the next page you landed on the first post of that page, rather than at the top. The way it seems to be right now, you land at the top and have to move your mouse cursor again to find the arrow. Ideally you should be able to just click away. Also, I would suggest adding the option to include post pagination in mobile. Assuming it can't fit in the navbar, I think it would be more useful to have that in the bottom right than the two arrows that currently sit there.
I like this, tagging @kylerc to see what he thinks.
@Mike Creuzer After upgrade to i got still a hint that i should update the style. A bought a branding free version and after the update the copyright is in the footer, what should i do?
Bit worried looking at the comments. Is it safe to install this "new" version? or will it feel like a messup or downgrade ?

Before and after:

View attachment 130925

@Mike Creuzer
How can you allow such basic fundamental bugs(giant cockroaches) on a theme u claim to have tested before releasing?

Mistakes are understandable... screwups are not.

If the issue happens on our demo it's a bug. If not it's likely an outdated style property. Check xenith the parent as well on your own board.

Please understand we cannot upgrade edited style properties that is not built into xenforo.

It is not a bug, and it's an effect we cannot control.
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