XenForo vs vB

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how does this differ from vb? How is it better? its cheaper but im not sure right now if it is the right forum. Im leaning towards vbulletin because im familiar but im also lookng for a cheaper option.
Ugh, that sucks... See, that doesn't make much sense in a way though... Cause it's just downgrading from same software and the vital things needed is mere content/users/usergroups/attachments/forum structure/etc.

Like, install phpBB3 import vBulletin 4 to phpBB3. Then, install vB3, import from phpBB3? LOL! So much work... sigh. The password hashings won't be the same and probably not imported right either... Thank god for Xampp / localhost testing environment though.. lol.
Well look at it from a business perspective what incentive do they have to offer a downgrade impex solution? Another option, vb4 > xF > vb3 that should keep the passwords the same.
Well honestly id sit in the boat ur in right now for a lil while longer. Wait till after the lawsuit and see what KAM says. BTW buddy ur gonna get reamed for even sayin Nulled XF copy lol, the nulled police are gonna arrest u, taze u, and then gangrape u lol.
Id wait on XF bud, its future is too bleak to drop all that money in it. Personally, if u want something now that works and its amazing go with IPB, it has a built mobile skin that XF does not, it has the best skin designers and offers plenty of addons/modifications along with IPB integrated applications. Thats the only future proof forum software at this time.

Not putting XF down at all, its just unfortunate at this time that XF has fallen into this rut and lawsuit. XF is still new and has plenty of room to grown into something major. Phpbb is ok but a waste of time lol
vBulletin is being developed
xenforo isn't...

But yet xF has far less bugs and only one security fix ever. xF has something behind it vB hasn't since 3.x.. KAM. Funny how a year ago Brandon you were bashing vB and pro xF.. Now vB puts out this cluster **** of what they are trying to push off as a product and all you tools flock right back thinking it's something great.. forgetting the past and all the lies behind selling more vB4 licenses. Honestly don't you vB fanboi's have better things to do then try to cause problems and hurt sales.. Oh wait vB5 is too bugged and slow to test to find bugs.
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Id wait on XF bud, its future is too bleak to drop all that money in it.

How is it too bleak. If all ceased right now, what major bugs exist?.. none. What security issues have not been addressed and fixed? none. What issues does it have supporting upcoming PHP 5.4? none, in fact it runs even faster then on 5.3. So I don't really see this "bleak future" your claiming.
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vBulletin is being developed
xenforo isn't...

I think this is a strained interpretation of the facts.

vB has basically stopped development of 4.x...with the explanation that this is because of the efforts on 5 Connect. But, reality is that it has been years since any new features have been made it into the 4.x series (discounting some add-on products, like mobile style/facebook app). But, when I left vB around January of this year, there had been nothing much but bug fixes to make the product usable. But my count this is several years of "stalled" or non-existent development. I read a post by Wayne tonight saying that they have not stopped development, but there is no statement of what might be in the future releases.

XF, has not seen any developments or announcements of what might be forthcoming or a schedule. But, it was only a few months ago that there was a new release. People generally suspect that the lawsuit is a cause of the delay in new release of versions and rollout of the Resource Manager (RM). The trial is scheduled for January 2013.

To my count, this means that, adding in a liberal few months for trial, verdict, post-trial motions, etc., that in the Spring of 2013, we will see movement and or announcements about future releases of XF. I suspect that the RM would hardly any significant work to make a releasable product. Bottom line, I have seen 3 years of nothing on the vB 4.x front. Now vB5 Connect beta appears to be an unusable horror show. If it ever becomes a viable solution, I would say it would take probably a year or more (I would lean on the "more" given vB's history). So, you basically have XF, where they have not produced anything "new" in a few months and have, admittedly, not posted anything about future plans or a roadmap. On the other hand, you have years of lack of usable/useful development from vB, just statements from them about the grand things to come. In my book, XF wins in this regard. If people are willing to wait YEARS for vB to under deliver, given their respective track records, I would think that the faith would be better put in the talents of Mike and Kier to deliver. To me, if any platform is stalled, it is vB.

The difference? Mike and Kier have never under delivered, nor taken money for a product that was not fantastic in its present form. vB? A lengthy track record of not being able to deliver.

Standard disclaimer- this is my view. Others may disagree or think vB is moving into the lead or whatever. If IB/vB works for you, go for it and enjoy. To me, though, they are not a viable choice.
i have just tryed out the new vb 5 connect and i can tell you its a pain its slow and i can see the server load going to be very heavy.
its no wonder that vb.org has stayed with this version of vb (Powered by vBulletin® Version 3.6.12) and never upgraded to a newer version.

i can say i will not be using vb 5 as it looks like a cross to other forum systems this one being one of them.
vb5 looks untidy not layed out right and nothing realy new.

As a developer for vbulletin i will not be using vb5 and will not make add-ons for it as i can see it not being a very big hit with any other vb forum owners.
Interesting that many of those who are criticising IB's business practices - whether with good reason or not - are the SAME people who ruthlessly jump on anyone who dares to criticise the business practices of XenForo.

How come it's all right when you do it, but not anyone else?
Interesting that many of those who are criticising IB's business practices - whether with good reason or not - are the SAME people who ruthlessly jump on anyone who dares to criticise the business practices of XenForo.

How come it's all right when you do it, but not anyone else?

It's simple.

IB has always overpromised and underdelivered. XF has always underpromised and overdelivered.
Interesting that many of those who are criticising IB's business practices - whether with good reason or not - are the SAME people who ruthlessly jump on anyone who dares to criticise the business practices of XenForo.

How come it's all right when you do it, but not anyone else?

Seems like a logical fallacy of false attribution.

The unnamed persons cannot respond and additionally, it creates the impression that the non-response by specific (unnamed) persons fails to refute your premise.

Not sure who has "ruthlessly" jumped on anyone who criticized business practices of XF.

If you really want an answer, you would have to specify who you are writing about.
All due respect, I think they are still over delivering. Matter of opinion, though.
Seriously !

As much as I try to encourage Xenforo to be all that it can be by providing lob shots from the peanut gallery .... I find it depressing testing vB5 as it is so horrid, it's impossible to know where to start !
I forgot how good I had it here.

Truthfully, I figured a megacorporation like IB was going to learn from the vB4 thing and that vB5 was going to be killer. I guess it's obvious that didn't happen. It's nothing short of amazing really.

What is certain, if Xenforo debuted as vB5.alphabeta10, they probably wouldn't have sold one copy ever ! and there would be no Xenforo.com in 2012.
Umm..honestly, vB5 is better than XF at this point. vB5 is in development and being supported and getting updated every day, XF...
Rofl, this was stated just a few days before the release of the actual vb5 demo, blindly and based on no facts whatsoever. Do you still stand by this comedy of a statement now?

All due respect, I think they are still over delivering. Matter of opinion, though.
They delivered a cleanly bug-free, blazing-fast product, and then temporarily retired from the scene. All we're waiting for now is not the fruition of broken code and promises (unlike other websites), but news of frankly more great bug-free products/add-ons to make our already-rich forum experience even richer.

The frustration you see here at XF is not of people suffering under a burden of a broken product, but of people spoiled on perfection and impatiently demanding much more of the same beautiful software they've already got. Yeah, I'd say that KAM are still over delivering, and that's after 6 months since the last update. I'm one of those spoiled people, I grumble because I want more and more of this beauty they've got over here.

My 2 cents :)
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They are too busy suffering the ill effects of the lawsuit.
I have some sympathy with that.

However, many of their customers are also suffering....from their contemptuous attitude towards the people who supported them.

Why can't they just come out, be straight with everyone, and admit it's over? It can only be because they want to keep the money coming in from licence sales by pretending there's a living project in progress here. That, if true, is morally bankrupt behaviour in every way.
However, many of their customers are also suffering
As I said, they're suffering not from the effects of a broken product, but because the original product was so good they've clamored for more and more. Those are two very different kinds of suffering.

from their contemptuous attitude towards the people who supported them.
Quote, or it didn't happen.

Why can't they just come out, be straight with everyone, and admit it's over?
A wise man once said: "Nothing's over 'til it's over."
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