XenForo vs vB

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how does this differ from vb? How is it better? its cheaper but im not sure right now if it is the right forum. Im leaning towards vbulletin because im familiar but im also lookng for a cheaper option.
So XF is "dead" in your opinion? Then why not simply phrase it as such - I think or believe XF is a dead product?
No, it *is* dead. the developers have abandoned it. They are not here, they are not developing, they have moved on.
And again do you feel vB5 is a superior forum product? (Note: It's a question not an accusation! You've seen it, what do you think of it?)
I am not here to discuss vBulletin.
No, it *is* dead. the developers have abandoned it. They are not here, they are not developing, they have moved on.

Thats the second time today i've seen you assert that opinion of yours as fact.

If you believe it, why are you still around here? Move on and let those of us who are looking forward to the future do so without you banging your tin drum in the background all the time.

Don't you have some VB5 bugs to go find?
Others invested very heavily and even built their own businesses and livelihoods around XenForo.

That would be someone like us (Livelyhood, no. Business, yes). XenForo actually has been very kind to us, but the lack of updates certainly is a concern to us as well. While business never really dried up as such, we do notice a decline in interest.

The whole situation unfortunately is creating insecurity all around, and while we continue to promote XenForo, it's getting harder to sell it because of the whole lack of updates. I nowadays inform potential clients about the lawsuit and the lack of updates, simply because I want them to know what they're dealing with, and for them to be able to make educated decisions.

We will continue supporting XenForo however we can, but yeah. It'd be nice getting an actual update intead of some vague promises.
We are, so maybe you'd like to start a new thread if you'd like to not discuss vBulletin because this thread is about XF vs vBulletin. You're completely off topic.
Yes and I'm discussing the XenForo part. I doubt discussion of XenForo can be off topic in a THREAD about XenForo on the XENFORO forums. But perhaps we have indeed reached that sort of pitch now, in the ever more valiant efforts to get anyone with dissenting opinions to shut up.
You should take that up with Brogan. In the meantime official word trumps suggestion. It has already been confirmed that security updates and urgent maintenance releases are still on tap.
Sorry Jake, don't mean any disrespect as you do a fine job of support, but you're not an employee. Brogan's point is that no employee has confirmed it, and he (with considerable insider knowledge) suggests that is cause for concern.
Thats the second time today i've seen you assert that opinion of yours as fact.

If you believe it, why are you still around here? Move on and let those of us who are looking forward to the future do so without you banging your tin drum in the background all the time.

Don't you have some VB5 bugs to go find?
Ah, we have reverted to "if you don't like it, why don't you clear off", which says it all really.
No, it *is* dead. the developers have abandoned it. They are not here, they are not developing, they have moved on.
The problem in your approach is that you move from statement 1, to statement 2. Yes "they are not developing". No, they have not moved on.

You assume the two are equivalent, and for some reason are intent to spread your gospel of doom to any who'll listen. There are several bitter apples like that, I guess, in any community. Most sensible people whose business requires it, have already made the switch, and didn't try to poison the well for everyone.

If KAM 'have moved on', your tactic would at least be understandable, but they haven't. Everyone who knows anything about the situation knows that Kier is fighting tooth and nail, and abandonment is nowhere in the picture. Even the most intolerant and hard-boiled critics (Brogan) acknowledge this. Hilariously, they actually try to insult his desire to force onward with XF at all costs, and his optimism about life after the lawsuit.
That would be someone like us (Livelyhood, no. Business, yes). XenForo actually has been very kind to us, but the lack of updates certainly is a concern to us as well. While business never really dried up as such, we do notice a decline in interest.

The whole situation unfortunately is creating insecurity all around, and while we continue to promote XenForo, it's getting harder to sell it because of the whole lack of updates. I nowadays inform potential clients about the lawsuit and the lack of updates, simply because I want them to know what they're dealing with, and for them to be able to make educated decisions.

We will continue supporting XenForo however we can, but yeah. It'd be nice getting an actual update intead of some vague promises.
Spot on....couldn't disagree with any of that.
That would be someone like us (Livelyhood, no. Business, yes). XenForo actually has been very kind to us, but the lack of updates certainly is a concern to us as well. While business never really dried up as such, we do notice a decline in interest.

The whole situation unfortunately is creating insecurity all around, and while we continue to promote XenForo, it's getting harder to sell it because of the whole lack of updates. I nowadays inform potential clients about the lawsuit and the lack of updates, simply because I want them to know what they're dealing with, and for them to be able to make educated decisions.

We will continue supporting XenForo however we can, but yeah. It'd be nice getting an actual update intead of some vague promises.
And yet, Peter, although this is a threat to your business, you just carry on and you focus on doing what you can to add value to the product without bitterness and without part-taking in all the mud slinging and rumours.

You have an incredibly professional outlook on the situation, and I have a respect for that.

Although I don't have a business that depends on it, I take a similar view. Let's "continue supporting XenForo however we can" and see this through to the other side without all this "He says / she says" crap.
The problem in your approach is that you move from statement 1, to statement 2. Yes "they are not developing". No, they have not moved on.

You assume the two are equivalent, and for some reason are intent to spread your gospel of doom to any who'll listen. There are several bitter apples like that, I guess, in any community. Most sensible people whose business requires it, have already made the switch, and didn't try to poison the well for everyone.

If KAM 'have moved on', your tactic would at least be understandable, but they haven't. Everyone who knows anything about the situation knows that Kier is fighting tooth and nail, and abandonment is nowhere in the picture. Even the most intolerant and hard-boiled critics (Brogan) acknowledge this.
Gospel of doom? LOL!
They HAVE moved on. They are NOT running this business. Not at all. Not in any way.

The issue is...have they moved on permanently? My CONSIDERED and quite WELL INFORMED opinion is, they HAVE.

Even if they intend to return...why not quell the speculation by stating this? The fact that they don't is destroying their business, which adds further weight to my opinion that they have gone for good.
Sorry Jake, don't mean any disrespect as you do a fine job of support, but you're not an employee. Brogan's point is that no employee has confirmed it, and he (with considerable insider knowledge) suggests that is cause for concern.
I remember Brogan saying "I know everything but I won't tell you because I value my friendship with Mike"... Laughable. His name is associated with almost every single rumour I've read. So much for that "friendship".
And yet, Peter, although this is a threat to your business, you just carry on and you focus on doing what you can to add value to the product without bitterness and without part-taking in all the mud slinging and rumours.

You have an incredibly professional outlook on the situation, and I have a respect for that.

Although I don't have a business that depends on it, I take a similar view. Let's "continue supporting XenForo however we can" and see this through to the other side without all this "He says / she says" crap.
I'd agree, except that there is no "other side". It is over. And the company's refusal to confirm this is what is causing the problem.
Ah, we have reverted to "if you don't like it, why don't you clear off", which says it all really.

Do not put words in my mouth.

Many people do not like the situation, anyone is free to come or go as they choose.

You however, have twice today asserted your opinion that XenForo is dead and the developpers have abandoned it. If that is your true and honest opinion what more do you hope to gain by posting here? Afterall nothing can come from it right because the product is dead and the devs have abandoned it?

So why don't you move on with your opinion and leave others to form their own.
Lack of morals does not make him wrong.
Um, yeah it does? How do you know anything he's saying is the truth? Rofl, you'd rather trust Brogan than Ashley. Ashley issued a post just a few weeks ago, where there was no whiff of abandonment. Kier issued a post in July, where there was no whiff of abandonment. The Devs took side jobs to support themselves until the lawsuit is over, and if they haven't, they should. That's the best thing to do.

Hypocritically, the nay-sayers not only cast aspersions and gloom about abandonment, but also simultaneously mock Kier's determination to stick with XF to the end. It's a really hilarious hypocrisy.
It'd be nice getting an actual update intead of some vague promises.

Important point. There is no lack of updates. An actual update was given. In summary, stuff sucks because of the lawsuit therefore no promises, let alone vague promises. It's pretty simple really.

The problem isn't lack of updates, it is a lack of what people want to hear, and of course people make XenForo responsible for what they want to hear. Little bit of dumping again. It's understandable, but of course XenForo isn't about to make promises just to satisfy want. That would amount to empty promises which is not a good business practice as some people here may have seen elsewhere.
Sorry Jake, don't mean any disrespect as you do a fine job of support, but you're not an employee. Brogan's point is that no employee has confirmed it, and he (with considerable insider knowledge) suggests that is cause for concern.

Brogan isn't an employee either.

I have information that I cannot divulge, but I would suggest that Brogan is wrong. (did I do it right? :unsure:)
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