XenForo vs vB

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how does this differ from vb? How is it better? its cheaper but im not sure right now if it is the right forum. Im leaning towards vbulletin because im familiar but im also lookng for a cheaper option.
Umm..honestly, vB5 is better than XF at this point. vB5 is in development and being supported and getting updated every day, XF...nothing!!

I would go with IPB if your worried about being future proof. Or if ur ok with the current version and the next to nothing support then go with XF haha.
vB5 screenshots to me look like a vB3 with a new skin, just like vB4. In fact the current developers of vB have said this in an interview: they were not going to (completely) rewrite. Just like Windows they are building on the existing old code and trying to make as much money off of it as possible. That's basically the IB business plan anyway. Buy -> exploit -> profit. And sue everyone who stands in the way.

vB5 will be just another crappy IB product, with some new features (as if that is what vB needs more of) but that will not stop current vB customers from foolishly buying it again. Some people will never learn, you just have to look at trolls like "Vicros" for proof of that.
lol troll? why am i a troll? Because im here being a blind sheep? I actually have a view on this matter and am very open minded and speak my mind. I am not rude or negative to anyone in any way. I do not talk negatively towards anyone. I just have a realist view on this current situation and if u wanna sit back and play along then thats on u. BTW yes vB4 is a POS. I never once said it wasnt, but being as i am currently an alpha/beta tester for vB 5 i say its actually a major upgrade over vB4. You can think what u want idc. But when someone asks a public question, i will offer a public response.

BTW you dont know anything about me. I support XF as a forum, in its current state. However, i do not support the way things have been and are being handled. You may not care about future updates/support to grow with the times, but i do. You may not care about using outdated software, i do. Being a business man/owner, i have to be able to rely on the product and its support. If your ok with buying something based on the unknown state then thats fine. Right now vB and IPB are both moving forward, XF is...stalled. Thats not to say forever, after the lawsuit things may be perfectly fine and i hope they are, I like XF, its an awesome forum but can and needs improving.

Klaas you have no idea about the future of vB with vB5 so withhold your ignorant comments bud. BTW i prefer IPB for my online life, offers much more than vB and XF, XF is still in new stages and has room to grow, but we have no idea if it will.
well i develope add-ons for vb and xf and with the changes vb does nearly every month or 2 i have to change the code in my vb scripts so offten its unbelevable.
Since having xf i have not had to change one bit of code and its also alot easyer to make add-ons for xf than vb.

As i develop vb add-ons i have to have this installed as you can see here
www.totally-scripts.com but i am thinking of coming away from vb all together as it does corze a lot of plroblems with the site running slow.

Been using xf now for a few months and have converted over microcart and just released a new add-on microdownloads and found it easyer to make add-ons for xf.

I have been using vb for over 5 years now and they where the best out there till i found xf.

If anyone would ask me what forum system to go for i would say this xf system is the best out there,
and i will be making more add-ons for xf than vb from now on.
Gonna have to agree with this. I only made a handful of resources on vBulletin because all the time I could've spent into creating addons had to be used to fix my site everytime an update broke several existing addons.
lol troll? why am i a troll? Because im here being a blind sheep? I actually have a view on this matter and am very open minded and speak my mind. I am not rude or negative to anyone in any way. I do not talk negatively towards anyone. I just have a realist view on this current situation and if u wanna sit back and play along then thats on u. BTW yes vB4 is a POS. I never once said it wasnt, but being as i am currently an alpha/beta tester for vB 5 i say its actually a major upgrade over vB4. You can think what u want idc. But when someone asks a public question, i will offer a public response.

I think it is fine to have your opinion. Where I disagree is your conclusions.

I support XF as a forum, in its current state. However, i do not support the way things have been and are being handled.
Again, a fair opinion of yours.

You may not care about future updates/support to grow with the times, but i do. You may not care about using outdated software, i do. Being a business man/owner, i have to be able to rely on the product and its support. If your ok with buying something based on the unknown state then thats fine. Right now vB and IPB are both moving forward, XF is...stalled.
Here is my major point of disagreement (though, I exclude IPB from this...I have looked at it, and don't care for the look or feel of it...it may be good or even great for some, but I don't care for it).
vB 4 is, as you agree a POS. For me, this means that the last time I used vB in a workable, successful iteration was 3.8. So, after buying 4.x Suite (sucker that I was, with the purchase from the "pre-sale"), it has been years, three at least, I stopped counting a while ago, since vB has produced a quality product. So, while vB 5 may possibly be a good product, it is not released and given IB's track record on under-delivering, I would have to wait and see before giving a personal opinion. Yes, as a beta tester, you have a basis for giving your own opinion. But, even with that, you would be, I think, hard pressed to see how it works with mods, styles, or customization (correct me if I am wrong, on this point). All that does for me, though, is tells me what you think of it. Doesn't do a whit for me as far as trusting that it will actually work. The beta testers and "those in the know" all swore that vb 4.x Suite was fantastic, too. I flat out do not trust a thing vB says until they demonstrate/produce something great.

My point is that what you characterize as a "stall" here at XF is a a major problem, I waited several years for vB4 to "unscrew" itself with episodic promises of better things to come SOON...for all intensive purposes, despite claims of continued development of 4.x, I doubt highly you will ever see a delivered product from them. Do you believe that they will sort out the CMS, in that version life-cycle? Bottom line, I feel way more confident that we will see new releases of XF, with improvements, much faster than the multi-year non-delivery of a satisfactory vB 4.x product. It seems this does not matter to you- that is fine. Opinions are personal to each person. But, as a "business man/owner" using the same yard stick of support, to me, XF beats the heck out of vB. Like I said, I have no idea about how IPB stacks up. I just don't care for their product.

Thats not to say forever, after the lawsuit things may be perfectly fine and i hope they are, I like XF, its an awesome forum but can and needs improving.
Don't understand if you mean the forum itself, or add-ons/mods. The XF forum product does not need improvement from my point of view. I would like some more features, but that is a different question. And, there are a lot of mods out there that fill the gaps.

Klaas you have no idea about the future of vB with vB5 so withhold your ignorant comments bud. BTW i prefer IPB for my online life, offers much more than vB and XF, XF is still in new stages and has room to grow, but we have no idea if it will.

I would say that no one knows what the future really holds with vB5 until they release it. So, pretty much, all comments on this are equally ignorant. Sure, you have a taste with beta testing. I would say, though, that that is a different animal than what is going to be forthcoming in an actual release. Of course, all products have room to grow. We will need to see who grows and who offers the best product for each of us. That's my 2 cents.
My point is that what you characterize as a "stall" here at XF is a a major problem, I waited several years for vB4 to "unscrew" itself with episodic promises of better things to come SOON...for all intensive purposes, despite claims of continued development of 4.x, I doubt highly you will ever see a delivered product from them.

Xenforo: stalled
vBulletin: horrible for years.
But let me say this to clear things up, the topic is XF vs vB.. well to answer the question XF is better than vB at this point, vB4 is a POS like i already stated, XF is a very nice piece of software. But since XF wont see any major updates including features, mobile skin (official), addon components ie downloads, web store etc, until next year or maybe even never we will have to wait and see how it compares to the final of vB5. I for one will say, as it is its a major overhaul of vB4, but is it better than XF in its current we will have to wait to find out.
But let me say this to clear things up, the topic is XF vs vB.. well to answer the question XF is better than vB at this point, vB4 is a POS like i already stated, XF is a very nice piece of software. But since XF wont see any major updates including features, mobile skin (official), addon components ie downloads, web store etc, until next year or maybe even never we will have to wait and see how it compares to the final of vB5. I for one will say, as it is its a major overhaul of vB4, but is it better than XF in its current we will have to wait to find out.

I should clarify something with you ...

First, you can not compare an old software (vB) and who has time in this market against XenForo software is practically very young and immature scarcity of features but still I prefer very XenForo thousand times above vBulletin ...

Wonder why? vBulletin 4.x Suite was a big disappointment for everyone, many problems, lack of features promised by vB team, and are now trying to change that with VB5, on the other hand, XenForo is new and has a lot of potential which I hope to take advantage and use in your favor, if XenForo implement a blog and CMS system would be more native than enough to leave their jobs to vBulletin team ...

Second, if the first version of xF is good and very acceptable to many users, just imagine the second version of this software ... I personally think that when your vBulletin vB3.x was successful was because Mike Kier and its developers were safe as they were stars vB 4.x Suite was a disaster without them lol ... vB3 alone was the only success of vBulletin.

Third, what is the difference vBulletin and Internet Explorer? no, because each version is worse than the last ... But who knows maybe VB5 is an innovation in the world of software for online communities.
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I didnt compare them dude, the OP did. I was merely answering the question. Now you say you cant compare them because one is older than the other? haha now thats funny, btw you can compare them because they are in the same business, offering a forum software. BTW vB 3 was the best vB version ever, i personally like 3.7 but thats just me. Going by ur logic, then when ford makes a new car or truck, it cant be compared to the older models because its new? lol get outta here with that nonsense bro.

XF has an unclear future at this point but i do hope it makes it to 1.2 id like to see where this thing can go.
I loved vB3.
Now that I've tried Xenforo though, I officially don't like vB3 anymore.
It's called Xenforo Syndrome.

vB4 was the worst software release ever.
It's like Windows ME bad !
or maybe PaperPort 10.

Windows ME, Known Aliases:
Windows Mistake Edition
Windows Miscarriage Edition
Windows Mother****ing Embarrassment
Windows Migraine Experiment
Windows Misunderestimated Errors
Windows Menopausal Extravaganza
Windows Marijuana Exhibition
Windows Momentarily Expendable
Windows Major Emergency
Windows May Explode
Windows MEH
Windows Memorably Epileptic
Windows Mimicked Evangelists
Windows Mysterious Entity

I'll research vB5, but time has already shown that megacorporations can't make good forum software. It would require a near miracle for vB5 to be worth getting in bed with Bed bugs Brisco. I doubt I could handle the inevitable scratching.
I actually LOVED vB3 myself... It was faster, easier to work with, page load/server loads weren't bad at all either.. It's almost like they wanted to force users to upgrade to their crappy / over-bloated version of 4.x and purposely stopped development with vB3.. the version that actually was good for users. "Oh heck no, we don't want users / customers to be happy... we want them to be stuck with over-bloated garbage software!" >_> And of course, I don't think I could revert back to the vB3 either from 4.2.0 .. and most nice/premium skins only work with newer version too... SO screwed now.. >_<. I should have just kept vB3 sigh.
Honestly, i have the best Vb3 skins ever created on my HD just waiting to be used lol. I might even go back to it one day just for nostalgia purposes.
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Hehe.. xD Is it true though, that you can't downgrade from version 4 to 3? I think I heard some where, that it's not possible.. >_>. But to me, that don't make sense.. because it's really the "content" and users that would be imported... well, the main vital things that is...You'd think, the version downgrade shouldn't be issue.
I don't think there's a direct downgrade. You can do something like: vb4 > phpbb > vb3 using another forum software as a bridge.
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