Xenforo Resources for 2.x Addons needs sub-categories or prefixes

I don't need categories or (multiple) prefixes for Add-ons, searching Add-ons works well enough.

As already pointed out be @Ozzy47 many Add-ons would fall into multiple categories - or end up in "Other" if there is only one.
That would just put more work on developers in return for little gain.

If anything it would be nice if it was possible to search content (like resources) by tag (standalone as well as in conjunction with keywords, user, date, etc.)
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If anything it would be nice if it was possible to search content (like resources) by tag (standalone as well as in jonjunction with keywords, user, date, etc.)
That's already available, so very few have tags though making it irrelevant.
This may work, right above 'related resources'
Yeah, I know how to add tags for resources (or other content taht supports tags) :)

My suggesstion was to add the ability to search for resources by tags and @Mouth said this is already possible, so my question was how this can be done (as I only see an option to search for any content by a given tag, but not to search for resources only by a given tag).
Yeah, I know how to add tags for resources (or other content taht supports tags) :)

My suggesstion was to add the ability to search for resources by tags and @Mouth said this is already possible, so my question was how this can be done (as I only see an option to search for any content by a given tag, but not to search for resources only by a given tag).
Ahhh okay. It would be nice, thats for sure.
Yeah, I know how to add tags for resources (or other content taht supports tags) :)

My suggesstion was to add the ability to search for resources by tags and @Mouth said this is already possible, so my question was how this can be done (as I only see an option to search for any content by a given tag, but not to search for resources only by a given tag).
I've had to curate a large number of resources, and it is literally a nightmare to organize without using tags. Categories work if everything fits nicely into pre-defined categories (same for prefix), but the minute you start having something that spans 4+ potential categories, you begin to have issues.

I had the same issue when I was looking at trying to use XF RM and Showcase for a large number of things; it becomes a literal nightmare to maintain if people to do not stick to your organization structure, and requires people dedicated to curating things.
Standard search. Tick the titles only option.
Hmm ... doesn't seem to work for me :(

Advanced Search > Resources
"thumbnail" in title only


Those two resources (among) others were reported as results, but they dont have a tag thumbnail

So to me the question still remains:
How can I search for recources only that have a specific tag?
Titles and tags. You also got https://xenforo.com/community/resources/ozzmodz-next-and-previous-thread.7611/ in your results because it has a thumbnail tag.
Please re-read my initial comment:

If anything it would be nice if it was possible to search content (like resources) by tag (standalone as well as in conjunction with keywords, user, date, etc.)

So I ask you again:
How can I search for resources that have a specific tag and only get (eg. standalone search) resources as a result that have this tag?
Please re-read my initial comment:
and only get
Reread it yourself. See how you're now qualifying it with an 'only' results criteria. That wasn't clear before when using 'standalone'.

You're only further highlighting the dogs breakfast that exists here. The challenge of 2000+ items with very limited mechanism to discover and find what you need, with search results flooding and obfuscating
Reread it yourself. See how you're now qualifying it with an 'only' results criteria. That wasn't clear before when using 'standalone'.

Operating, functioning, or existing without additions or assistance; independent; able to be separate or separated.
So I think it should have been pretty obious that standalone tag search implied searching tags only - and not "taking the input and search for this as tag or keyword".

Now to end this:
Can we agree that this is currently not possible?
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