XenForo ready Hosts


Well-known member
After getting permission from Lawrence whether this would be appropriate or not (Which he gave), I decided to make a user-submitted host post so people can get their XenForo up if their current hosts do not support them.

This isn't a place to post affiliate links, or advertise your own service, but services that fit the need of the community.


http://vernox.net - meets all requirements to install XenForo (Installed fine, haven't tested everything yet however, will update if there are issues), and is affordable, as well as fast.
MySQLi is a standard php module - nothing special. If a host doesn't have it, it means they probably haven't updated their software since PHP5 came out, or are incorrectly setting their servers up.

My host, URLJet, has updated PHP5 on my dedicated server, they just did not turn MySQLi on. Sent in a ticket and within 10 min it was complete.
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