XenForo - destroyed by vBulletin?

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There is no way in the world I am going to be able to say this without it sounding wrong.

Lets say we were judging the best dog (not like a typical dog show). I like things like Mastiff's and Komondor's.

One dog is an exceptional retriever, top 2% easily, another dog is a good but not exceptional sled dog, but then there is the best the world has every seen herding dog, It is a top .00001 % er. Even if I am not a herding dog kind of person I have to recognize this one is the best at what it does compared to how good the others are at what they do.

Man that didn't make a bit of sense.
There is no way in the world I am going to be able to say this without it sounding wrong.

Lets say we were judging the best dog (not like a typical dog show). I like things like Mastiff's and Komondor's.

One dog is an exceptional retriever, top 2% easily, another dog is a good but not exceptional sled dog, but then there is the best the world has every seen herding dog, It is a top .00001 % er. Even if I am not a herding dog kind of person I have to recognize this one is the best at what it does compared to how good the others are at what they do.

Man that didn't make a bit of sense.
You got that right lol didn't make much sense.
Fine... Give away all the secret productivity tips! At least you didn't mention using Frontpage (in parallels of course!) for all front end development work... There is NOTHING like it for code generation, and as far as standards compliance is concerned, well, you have to invent a new category JUST for FP! ;)

What? Why waste money on FrontPage? Just have Word create an HTML page or heck, a whole website for you. Just as good.
Look at you :) talking like you know Matt :D

We'll I've never met the guy, but I have known and interacted with him online for over 7 years ;) Not claiming we are best buds or even chat buds or anything

That first Matt post really freaked me out, I thought it was that idiot who thinks he has everyone fooled and is actively trolling this site - pretending to be Matt.

Matt is someone for whom I have a great deal of respect, and frankly I would have been pretty upset if it had of been some fake in the name of so called "comedy".

But.. no, I don't know Matt, nor was I pretending too.
Have you considered writing IPB in Assembly?
Not to horn in on the conversation or take things off topic or anything, but I actually wrote a BBS program entirely in assembly (back in the day). Talk about fast... whoa...
Anyway, back to you and Matt. :D
But now you're probably more productive, so that plan totally backfired.

Have you considered writing IPB in Assembly? Additionally, I hear Notepad is a great IDE. (Yes, I know you use a Mac, but nothing compares to Notepad.)

Actually, it's funny you say that! Yesterday he was telling me to chuck my multi-monitor mac set up in favour of a 14" Laptop running Win 2000. Apparently it's the best environment to write code in. It focuses ones attention or something. I must admit, I am tempted!

That really is THE Matt. Only guy with that name in the entire world. ;)

Actually, there is a "Matt D Mecham" in Ohio. I know this because his Gmail is "mattdmecham@" whereas mine is "mattmecham@" so I get a lot of his email. He gets a lot of emails from his local library reminding him to return his books. I did forward them on for a while.

Good to hear :)
Definitely me! Although I would say that. I logged in via Facebook, so I'm easily traceable.

Definitely me! Although I would say that. I logged in via Facebook, so I'm easily traceable.

Good good good :) You will be pleased to know it's really me too :D

Taking a break from the Gallery re-write I see :p Suits me fine, I am in no hurry to redo all my skins again >_< Take your time!
You definitely missed the sites i worked on :)
I've seen one. Mert did a very nice job. You should see mine which is on a test server. It is extremely clean and nice, also different than the stock you see. However, getting consistent functionality out of a vB 4 site is like going to the dentist every month and having a route canal... and it seems it might go on for a while.

I love how they added M-x Butterfly into Emacs 23 :P
However, getting consistent functionality out of a vB 4 site is like going to the dentist every month and having a route canal... and it seems it might go on for a while.
That's why i am consedering the switch to XenForo
I've never seen vBulletin release any good upgrades. Nothing in my view would lead me to think that'll ever change.
I've never seen vBulletin release any good upgrades. Nothing in my view would lead me to think that'll ever change.

What was wrong with 3.8.4?! Its a great release. I challenge you to find a more stable piece of forum software, with so much expandability and mods!

Whilst it's true that many of us don't like the direction its taken, saying ALL vB releases are unsatisfactory isn't on. If its that bad, then why are so many people using it?
Invision Power Board has been superior in many ways for quite some time. People like all sorts of things, that's bad reasoning.
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