XenForo - destroyed by vBulletin?

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The china market has the highest potencial for nulled-versions. :mad:
Don't dream.
I can honestly say I've seen an equal # of Turkish, Russian, Romanian and German nulled versions as well.

Oh, and the American and British ones.

People need to stop generalizing and accusing one single group of piracy consistently, as its getting rather tiring.

I've reported both of our posts, as this will just end as a rage topic otherwise, but I at least wanted to say my piece :)
The piracy stuff is off topic (it's in his sig). The posts will be removed if necessary.
What will truly make XF the leader of forum solutions is the community; If there is a plethora of free solutions it will actively compete with vBulletin, and as it'll be centralized to XenForo.com, it'll overcome the schism that is vB.com/vB.org.

Well put.

In addition to XF being a brand new venture from scratch, the community also needs a reboot from the entrenched servitude from the previous communities, e.g. vb.org vb.com.

Keep on the same freshness track that distances XF from it's former self, i.e: XF staff (soon to be) Many personalities, drama and bitterness from the old community need to step back for new faces and ideas.

The OP title is XenForo - destroyed by vBulletin?

I just don't want to see XF stigmatized by the few doppelgängers and the drama of the vb,org,com communities.
Well put.

In addition to XF being a brand new venture from scratch, the community also needs a reboot from the entrenched servitude from the previous communities, e.g. vb.org vb.com.

Keep on the same freshness track that distances XF from it's former self, i.e: XF staff (soon to be) Many personalities, drama and bitterness from the old community need to step back for new faces and ideas.

The OP title is XenForo - destroyed by vBulletin?

I just don't want to see XF stigmatized by the few doppelgängers and the drama of the vb,org,com communities.
The only doubt I have with XenForo -is- the developer and designer community.

I don't know if they'll do much as they did with vBulletin, and release free version, or they'll go for the pay for everything approach. The first will be a large asset to the community, the second could seriously impede any progress.

There will be drama no matter what happens here, as seen with a few occurrences, but thats just how the administrative niche is; we all seem to think that what we don't allow on our forums goes on others, and that we're allowed to do what we want without repercussion or consequence.
Personally, I think the issues with successful products are more about goals/"visions" and management. There are (plenty?) of good developers for vBulletin, and good developers for xenforo. Kier and Mike obviously have a different "vision" of what they want their product to be, and the Internet Brands' team of "visionaries" (management) are counter-productive to the success of their own product, in my opinion.

As long as I can agree with xenforo's management and goals, I'm not concerned if one product wipes out another.
There will be drama no matter what happens here, as seen with a few occurrences, but thats just how the administrative niche is; we all seem to think that what we don't allow on our forums goes on others, and that we're allowed to do what we want without repercussion or consequence.
That's not really what I was getting at, but what you state is true.

The point I was making is this: the notable periphery personalities from the previous and are quite stifling, thus the need for fresh and innovative faces.
That's not really what I was getting at, but what you state is true.

The point I was making is this: the notable periphery personalities from the previous and are quite stifling, thus the need for fresh and innovative faces.
:p people won't change how they are just for a new community.

I'm sure everyone here carries at least one grudge, more so then others. 
The XenForo Community - "... like a finger pointing a way to the moon".

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:p people won't change how they are just for a new community.

I'm sure everyone here carries at least one grudge, more so then others.

I'm talking about baggage brought from elsewhere (vb com. org), no matter the post count, fandom, etc of individuals, of their own self-drawn inner circle or vying for an XF inner circle can be a disservice for XF before it hits the market.
I'm talking about baggage brought from elsewhere (vb com. org), no matter the post count, fandom, etc of individuals, of their own self-drawn inner circle or vying for an XF inner circle can be a disservice for XF before it hits the market.
I was as well; most of the baggage are the grudges they hold against other people it seems.
The last posts for the "vb 4.0 roadmap" (wow, many new features? and the bug fixing?) it's only marketing, words, the Xenforo fresh features are FACTS. I don't believe in a renassaice of a "zombie" software...not in a short time.

"VB 4 with new licence, hundeds of dollars for the upgrade" - More customers go with IPB...
"VB 5 is underway, hundreds of dollars for the upgrade" - More costumers go with Xenforo :D
At the end of the day, vBulletin can be purchased right now, and XenForo is still in the building blocks period.

All in due time, and time will tell.

Good things will come to those who wait, and I am not waiting for vBulletin (anymore). They had since 2007 to convince me, and version 4 was a huge disappointment. A path that I didn't think it would take, that and their business methods are not working for me.

XenForo appears to be going into this direction that fits my needs, so I am considering it, hell, I even promised I would buy a license, as I am pretty convinced already.

Compare your first reaction to vBulletin 4 ( WHEN IT WENT GOLD!!! ) with your first reaction to XenForo 1.0 ( WHEN IT WAS ALPHA 1 !!!! ) and be honest with yourself.

Marketleader means nothing. Results and what works for you, is what matters.

I am going with my gut on this one.
I'm going with my head. I've been convinced that XenForo was being built by the best people, with the best toolset, and using the best practices from the day XenForo.com went live. I've spent the weeks since examining all the "features" that we currently use, and trying to decide what is REALLY needed, what do our members really USE.

Based on that analysis, and the demonstrated ability of Mike and Kier to implement changes (and their good judgement in what should be core and what is better implemented as an addon) I think it's a pretty clear choice. We're going to be making migration preps as soon as I can get a copy of XF and load it on our sandbox.

I'm firmly in the "Looking forward" camp, forget about vBulletin and IB, no need to give them the power over you that dwelling on such issues provides. Take charge of your future and decide what's the best path for you and YOUR community moving forward. I LIKE XF. My Community will love XF. XF has a very bright future and will take us in a direction that I want to go, and really that's all that matters.

::tosses two shiny coins in hat::
I very much agree with your points Tigratrus. To actually convert my forum I need some kind of CMS or bridge solution, but I'll be purchasing a license anyway not only to support XF, but also to send a message that I will no longer be suckered into reporting bugs that are never fixed, and putting up with a half-baked product that received far too much of my faith.
And speaking strictly as someone who enjoys a good forum - not as a forum owner - I am really looking forward to new boards run on this software. If there are 20 different boards on a topic and one of them is run on XF, that's where I'm going - for the simple reason that I have experienced first hand how this brings the fun back to forums.
I want a software that offers clean layout and basic important features. However everything in this software should be carefully developed and planned. Software should offer flexibility and easy customization options. Currently what i see within XenForo forums exactly fit my needs. Many people know my styles , i always removed lots of vBulletin features and used heavily customized styles just to offer more cleaner layout to my users. XenForo takes clean layout to a new level and offers perfectly planned UI improvements. XenForo is more then i could expected these days.

XenForo is still on early stages however it offers nearly all features that i require. The remaining can be easily developed in short time by developers , mod community or me :)
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