XenForo Beta 6, very very pleased


Well-known member
I want to thank you Kier, and Mike so much. To be honest I was just starting to loose my hope in XenForo, and now Beta 6 fixed that problem. My most favorite addition is
It is now possible to force all new posts in a forum to the moderation queue, and to disable posting in a forum completely.
I run an admin forum, and it was very disappointing not having that feature to enable in the Articles section, so I had to completely disable members from creating a thread in the Articles section, and now this new feature is very helpful so I can approve all posts in the articles section before they are posted and ready to view.

My second favorite is the Q&A's captcha, my forum was recently spammed and I was very upset about it, and it had made me want to close my forum..

So I thank you both very much for the great additions in Beta 6. <3

A huge Congrats to the guys, well done lads, another sterling release!!! :D

Special Shout Out to Mike for fixing the WAMP thingie... woooo hooooooo! :D Thanks very much for that, just tested it and it works perfectly!!! *does happy dance*
I want to thank you Kier, and Mike so much. To be honest I was just starting to loose my hope in XenForo, and now Beta 6 fixed that problem. My most favorite addition is

I run an admin forum, and it was very disappointing not having that feature to enable in the Articles section, so I had to completely disable members from creating a thread in the Articles section, and now this new feature is very helpful so I can approve all posts in the articles section before they are posted and ready to view.

My second favorite is the Q&A's captcha, my forum was recently spammed and I was very upset about it, and it had made me want to close my forum..

So I thank you both very much for the great additions in Beta 6. <3

Out of curiosity why were you losing faith in XenForo? It's still in beta
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